Section 4.3: HTML and SVG extensions

On Wed, 2014-04-23 at 20:57 +0000, Tobin Titus wrote:
> > I'm also still concerned about how much HTML/SVG monkey patching is happening in this spec. I think Hixie 
> > raised a similar issue.
> I think we have addressed this issue already. We do intend to link into the HTMLWG and we spent a fair amount of time making sure that we covered this just for this purpose. I had thought this was closed:
> > Can I ask that you remove section 4.3 as it seems to add little value. Just focusing on the attribute itself, 
> > and what it's supposed to do when used would be great. Then HTML/SVG can wire it in properly to work 
> > as intended (and even put it on the right interfaces).  
> I'd like to keep section 4.3 as it describes exactly where this attribute will be defined and the interfaces that will need to be updated. This seems important when we link into the WG spec.
> As far as the re-expressed concern about linking into the HTMLWG, this seems to be a large topic that really is out of scope for the Web Perf WG to handle. This is the process that we have in the W3C. 

Actually, I believe we discussed this in the past and the conclusion was
that we would keep this section in our specification at least for the
time being for simplicity and would reconsider moving to 4.3 later on
once lazyload because stable enough to be integrated with other


Received on Thursday, 24 April 2014 14:23:02 UTC