Re: [ResourceTiming] Handling of "resourcetimingbufferfull" events makes no sense

On 9/9/13 5:17 PM, Arvind Jain wrote:
> The event handler for the |resourcetimingbufferfull| event. The
> |resourcetimingbufferfull| event must be triggered immediately after the
> buffer used to store the list of PerformanceResourceTiming
> <> resources
> becomes full.

You need to say what target the event is dispatched on, what sort of 
event object it is (Event, or some other interface) and what its 
properties are: .target, .bubbles, .cancelable.  I recommend looking at 
other specifications that dispatch events to see how to do it.

> And the addition of EventTarget seems to be a result of this:
> Should we remove the inheritance from EventTarget?

It should move into whatever specification defines the core Performance 


Received on Monday, 9 September 2013 22:53:31 UTC