Re: [ScriptYielding] setImmediate clamping returns.

On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 5:31 PM, David Bruant <> wrote:

> Le 13/08/2013 01:42, Kyle Simpson a écrit :
>  The current debate is: is `function f(){ setImmediate(f); }` really
>>>> something that would *inequitably* discriminate against one browser and
>>>> thus force that browser to clamp, and then topple all the dominoes of the
>>>> other browsers.
>>> Yes, this is *exactly* what happened with Firefox. Bug 123273 is very
>>> instructive on that point. They were inequitably discriminated against
>>> other browsers and were forced to move.
>> I've read that thread (or parts of it) before.
>> You still haven't answered why you think setImmediate() has to,
>> unequivocally and inevitably, harm a specific browser inequitably?
> I see. I had misunderstood that part. But now I understand it and I have
> already answered. But let's start with a direct answer to your question:
> there is no reason; setImmediate, if equally implemented, cannot harm a
> specific browser inequitably. The insides of the callback are insignificant.
> The trouble I forsee may start in what I described as a prisonner's
> dilemma situation.

Here's a much simpler resolution for your dilemma:  setImmediate() is
actually not a very good idea, so nobody has an incentive to implement it
and there's no dilemma at all.

- James

Received on Tuesday, 13 August 2013 00:36:29 UTC