agenda+ RequestNimationFrame and iframe/display:none

On Wed, 2013-08-07 at 00:50 +0000, Jatinder Mann wrote:
> Working Group Conference Call (1-2PM EST/10-11AM PST)
> 1.    Discussnew specifications 
agenda+ RequestAnimationFrame

While talking with the Director to test the ground regarding the
objection on RequestAnimationFrame, he came up with a question:

Right now, the specification indicates:
Whenever a Document's hidden attribute is false and the animation frame
request callback list is not empty, the user agent MUST regularly queue
a task that samples all animations for that Document's top-level
browsing context.

Because we're tied to Page Visibility, and the definition of Page
Visibility is limited, there is no room for the browser to be smart,
e.g. not ticking on display:none on iframes.

What is the rational for not letting the browser be smart here and give
it room not to tick? [1] doesn't seem enough to explain the current

Ie something along:
Whenever a Document's hidden attribute is false and the animation frame
request callback list is not empty, the user agent MUST regularly queue
a task that samples all animations for that Document's top-level
browsing context unless the user agent is able to determine that the
impacted elements are hidden.



Received on Wednesday, 7 August 2013 13:39:20 UTC