

  I've been following most of the discussions about High Resolution
Time by email and I find the working draft very neat :-) Congratulations
for the hard work!

  However, I would love to have the chance to get a DOMHighResTimeStamp
not only from the "now" method but also as a property of an ECMAScript
event, like event.timeStamp. Events' timestamps are also subject to
system clock skew and other problems mentioned in High Resolution Time
working draft, and providing access to HRT when triggering events will
be very helpful to program accurate interactions.

  I'm not sure if this could be done adding a new property to the
event interface (e.g., HRTimeStamp) or modifying the typedef of the
current timeStamp property.

Best regards,

  Pablo Garaizar Sagarminaga
  Universidad de Deusto
  Avda. de las Universidades 24
  48007 Bilbao - Spain

  Phone:       +34-94-4139000 Ext 2512
  Fax:                  +34-94-4139101

Received on Sunday, 18 March 2012 10:30:48 UTC