[minutes] 20101117 Web Performance Working Group

Web Performance Working Group
17 Nov 2010

See also: IRC log<http://www.w3.org/2010/11/17-webperf-irc>

AndersonQuach, NicJansma, TonyG, Zhiheng, ArvindJain, JasonSobel

  *   Topics<http://www.w3.org/2010/11/17-webperf-minutes.html#agenda>
1.     Follow-up on the window.performance namespace<http://www.w3.org/2010/11/17-webperf-minutes.html#item01>
2.     Conformance best practices<http://www.w3.org/2010/11/17-webperf-minutes.html#item02>
3.     Resource Timing and User Timing<http://www.w3.org/2010/11/17-webperf-minutes.html#item03>
4.     Summary of Action Items<http://www.w3.org/2010/11/17-webperf-minutes.html#item04>

1. Next week's meeting, get together and discuss the feedback on the private domain design decision.

2. Anderson to add resource timing design proposal as a separate section in the spec.

3. WG, brainstorm solutions for sharing resource timings across domains.

4. Zhiheng to send out conformance tests notes and best practices.

[decision] Given the current low risks for Internet websites, we'll continue to use window.performance as the global namespace for Web Timings.


clear the agenda

<scribe> scribe: AndersonQuach

set logs world-visible

list the agenda

move to agenda 2.

move to agenda 2
Follow-up on the window.performance namespace

AndersonQuach: Found low risk with window.performance.
... Looks to be around 0.00993% of top traffic websites.

TonyG: That's one in ten thousound sites.

AndersonQuach: Yes, I recommend to with window.performance.

TonyG: Sounds reasonable.

Zhiheng: Sounds good.
Conformance best practices

Zhiheng: I'll send out notes and best practices to the email group.

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Resource Timing and User Timing

AndersonQuach: Updates to resource timing proposal sent to the email group. Would like to capture the proposals in the spec. So we can review both proposals.

Zhiheng: Sounds good.

AndersonQuach: Resource timing shares similar problems with Navigation Timing w.r.t sharing with sites.
... Options include: document.domain, CORS, or implement our own switch.

NicJansma: Also there's the option to provide less information by default.

JasonSobel: A lot of value would be lost if there's a limited timeline. We should consider an implementation where we can get access to the full timeline.

Zhiheng: Does CORS fit?

JasonSobel: It's a better fit, to allow cross-domain access to resource timings.

Zhiheng: The timing information with resources is more valuable, may warrant a more comprehensive design.

JasonSobel: Let's send a ping on the public list on alternate designs and CORS to allow access to resource timings. I suspect designing an alternate solution may be straightforward. Perhaps we can flush this out fully.
Summary of Action Items

1. Next week's meeting, get together and discuss the feeback on the private domain design decision.

2. Add resource timing design proposal as a separate section in the spec.

3. Brainstorm solutions for sharing resource timings across domains.

[decision] Given the current low risks for Internet websites, we'll continue to use window.performance as the global namespace for Web Timings.

4. Zhiheng to send out conformance tests notes and best practices.

Received on Wednesday, 17 November 2010 19:22:18 UTC