Re: IOTDB: bands

When / where are these calls?


On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 4:10 PM, Vlad Trifa <> wrote:

> Hey David,
> First, thanks for all the input/comments/feedback. Lots of goodness in
> there!!
> Sorry for my rather long mail (you can skip to "showtime" below and
> control a REAL device in our office via a REST API!!).
> After spending a decade on building Web-conntected devices (and getting my
> phd on the Web of Things ;) ), I fully agree we need both "current" &
> "planned" states. We face this exact problem for commercial connected
> products at EVRYTHNG, so the model we propose supports both (have look here
> if you didn't see it already, it's pretty detailed:
> A property "SHOULD" always reflect the most recent (known) state of a
> thing. So for simple scenarios, it's OK to be able to change them on the
> spot. For example, the location of a thing: the device doesn't know where
> it is (no GPS, etc. on board), so I could use an app on my phone and set
> the "location property" from outside the device. Another exception is when
> you don't care about the status and assume that sooner or later the device
> will update it successfully (does this even exist?) or maybe when you know
> that the current status will be updated right away (Web API runs on device
> and has the confirmation asap).
> The model you suggest, where you have two copies of the same property
> (current_X and planned_X) is very useful when the device can only poll data
> from a server (it knows which one to listen to: planned_X, and updates the
> current_X when its done). This is how NEST API does it. But I don't think
> we should force *every *property to be doubled, unless for those you
> really need this.
> This is what we've been doing with EVRYTHNG and works well in the real
> world (see here:
> ** ACTIONS **
> But when you need to model any operation that is more complex than "just
> change the value" (which is common in the real world), then you will use
> *ACTIONS*. An action is a higher level abstraction for what a device does
> which has a special meaning, a context, some validation, and more (who can
> access it, when, how, how many updates per day, etc.). The simplest action
> would be "setStatus()" which takes a boolean as param. If the Web thing is
> on a proxy, it can use a callback that send this command in
> "whatever-the-device-understandsese" to the actual device and update the
> "status" property once it gets a confirmation. So a simple action, is
> nothing more than a getter/setter around properties, but with room to add
> as much complexity as required.
> But many operations will involve and change various properties (some
> instantaneously, other later), and the logic of this ("code" of the action
> handler) is left to the developer (either on the device itself, so would be
> C/C++/etc., or in the proxy). Think of a printer - you will obviously need
> to expose high-level actions (print X, reboot, etc.), as I don't think I'd
> like to write a script that coordinates and sets a bunch "raw" of
> properties that control the various motors, inks, etc. each time I'd like
> to print something.
> (To see how we've used actions at EVRYTHNG, here's our API:
> )
> ** WHAT'S NEXT? **
> I suggest you look at the JSON payloads I've uploaded in our github (
>, this will
> give you an excellent idea of how you would implement the various
> operations you suggest over REST, from getting the metadata and also
> interacting with the device (from discovering actions, how they work, how
> you create them, etc.). I would truly love your feedback on those.
> We'll also present this model tomorrow during the TF-TD call, so please
> join!
> ** SHOW TIME!!! **
> Finally, you can see how this model works with actual devices (
> --> hint: ask for "application/json" using
> curl/postman on those URLs, it's more fun!!). It's obviously a work in
> progress, but we'll be releasing the source code of the server side (in
> node.js as well) in the next few weeks.
> Would love to discuss this more in detail in the upcoming calls.
> Vlad
> --
> vlad trifa, phd ////
> co-founder, head of r&d + innovation
> m +44 750 888 2051 // w <>
> t @vladounet /////// w
> On 02 Jun 2015, at 19:32, David Janes <> wrote:
> I think I understand, pretty well, what your model does. I just don't see
> how putting all these disparate concepts into one pile makes things simpler
> or easier for implementers or for people trying to understand how things
> work.
>    - Things have an actual state. Things have a control state. I can sit
>    and watch things in front of me demonstrate that these are different: I'll
>    take a video if you want!
>    - Things have metadata, which includes its name, its reachability, its
>    facets (definable by the user), perhaps an ACL, perhaps manufacturer data
>    and so forth.
>    - Things have a model, which is a description of how it works, and
>    what the values in it's state mean. The model is basically static after
>    definition.
> Your model - from the slideshow - looks like this
>    1. HTTP GET to retrieve a thing's description
>    2. HTTP GET to retrieve all properties of a thing
>    3. HTTP PUT to update all properties of a thing
>    4. HTTP PATCH to apply changes to some properties
>    5. HTTP POST to invoke actions on a thing
>    6. HTTP POST is also used to notify events
> So specifically
>    1. A Things Description - lets say this is the JSON-LD - isn't the
>    same as its Metadata, it's actual state (istate), or control state (ostate)
>    2. Is this the same URL as #1? If so, you're already basically doing
>    bands as I describe it. Otherwise you're returning tons of redundant data -
>    the JSON-LD Model, the Metadata, and so forth, &c &c. And if it's just the
>    URL, you _still_ need to differentiate between all these different types of
>    data
>    3. why do you need to update the Model of a Thing, assuming that's
>    what you mean by properties.
>    4. same
>    5. so doing POST to a Thing changes one set of data (making an
>    operation), and doing PUT changes a different set of data
>    6. same
> D.
> On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 1:10 PM, Dave Raggett <> wrote:
>> On 2 Jun 2015, at 16:26, David Janes <> wrote:
>> This is really one my favorite insights into how Things and APIs work
>> together. I gave two presentations on Global IoT Day in Vienna about this
>> So building on the previous message, we have the same definitions for
>> controlling a thing as reading values of a Thing. How do we differentiate
>> between these various aspects? Add into the picture that we also have to
>> deal with _metadata_ and we have to deal with the _model_ (in JSON-LD), how
>> does this fit?
>> So here's the key insight: a "Thing" is _not_ JSON dictionary that we
>> manipulate. Instead a Thing, identified by some Thing ID, is a jumping off
>> point to a cloud of related but independent JSON dictionaries. These are
>> (at least):
>>    - istate - the Input State: the actual state of thing
>>    - ostate - the Output State: the state we want the thing to become
>>    - meta - the Thing's metadata
>>    - model - the Thing's JSON-LD Model
>> The entire IoT / Web of Things can - and _should_ -  be seen as just
>> reading an manipulating these four JSON dictionaries! The back end is just
>> shuffling the data around to the proper point to be actioned!
>> This sounds over complicated. What is wrong with a single model of the
>> thing and relying on the server platform to do its best to propagate
>> property changes in both directions?
>> In my NodeJS server, the server creates a proxy object from its model.
>> The object is set up with setters and getters for its properties. For the
>> WebSocket protocol binding, a PUT message updates all of the properties
>> whilst a PATCH message updates a subset. The model consists of {metadata,
>> events, properties, actions}.  The script writer doesn’t have to deal with
>> the protocol as this is handled by the server.
>> In principle, the metadata can change e.g. when a sensor is moved from
>> one location to another.  This shows the need for propagating changes to
>> metadata using same framework as for thing properties.  I think it would be
>> appropriate to also associate events with metadata changes.
>> You could describe actions in terms of pre and post conditions and then
>> use a reasoning engine to figure out what sequence of actions on what
>> things are needed to address some goal.
>> Or perhaps I am missing your point?
>> —
>>    Dave Raggett <>

Received on Wednesday, 3 June 2015 11:16:36 UTC