[TF-TD] experimenting with mapping JSON based data models to RDF triples

To attract Web developers to working with the Web of Things we need simple notations for describing the properties, actions and events for things.  Simple notations are also needed for Web of Things servers on resource constrained microcontrollers.

Data models are one kind of metadata for things, and we also need a way to map these models to the underlying resource description framework (RDF).  

JSON-LD [1] is appealing due to its use of the very popular JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).  However, JSON-LD wasn’t designed with thing data models in mind. I have therefore been exploring the implications for translating JSON based data models to RDF triples.

My experiments are in the form of a Web page that expresses the algorithm in JavaScript.

    http://www.w3.org/2016/01/json2rdf.html <http://www.w3.org/2016/01/json2rdf.html>

I would like to request some time at an upcoming Thing Description task force call to introduce this work and talk through the questions that arise.  These include:

How to survey the Web developer community for their opinions
The role of paths for uniquely naming fields in thing data models
Allowing for deeply nested data models for properties, actions and events
Processing implications for different approaches for representing data models
The role of open versus closed world hypothesis for thing data models
How to address versioning — something critical for web scale services

Please note that the experiments are a work in progress ...

   Dave Raggett <dsr@w3.org <mailto:dsr@w3.org>>

Received on Monday, 28 December 2015 16:23:08 UTC