New release of mobile roadmap (Jan 2015)


I've just released the January 2015 edition of the mobile standards roadmap:

That new edition is in particular structured around the Application 
Foundations that W3C CEO Jeff Jaffe introduced a few months ago:

It also document the following changes since the previous release:

Published as First Public Working Draft
         Packaging on the Web, a joint work by the Web Applications 
Working Group and the Technical Architecture Group describing a 
Web-compatible format for packaging resources together, was published as 
a First Public Working Draft;
         Frame Timing, an API developed by the Web Performance Working 
Group to provide detailed frame-per-second data on running Web 
applications, was published as a First Public Working Draft;

Returned to Working Draft
         the Resource Timing API which had reached Candidate 
Recommendation status, had its scope expanded with a few additional 
properties and has thus returned to Working Draft status;

Reached Candidate Recommendation
         the battery API was republished as a Candidate Recommendation 
after a short Last Call review;
         the Web Cryptography API reached Candidate Recommendation status;

Reached Proposed Recommendation
         the Server-Sent Events, Pointer Events and Vibration APIs 
reached Proposed Recommendation status;

Reached Recommendation
         the Indexed Database API was released as a W3C Recommendation;

Specification merged, split or abandoned
         the fullscreen API, previously co-developed in W3C by the Web 
Applications and CSS Working Groups, has been abandoned by these groups 
and has now fully moved to the WHATWG;

Newly tracked
         the document now tracks the Task Scheduler API from the System 
Applications Working Group as an additional tool in the application 
lifecycle category; it allows to schedule a given task at a given time.


Received on Monday, 2 February 2015 13:24:58 UTC