Re: Deep linking

On January 8, 2015 at 1:09:40 PM, Marcos Caceres ( wrote:
> > Web manifest defines a web app's "navigation scope" [1], which  
> allows it to claim some portion of same-origin URL space as its  
> own. An OS could use this URL space to route native apps navigations  
> to these URLs to the appropriate (installed) web application.  
> Native apps could then continue to use their own URLs (and fake  
> protocols) to achieve the deep linking.

Update: The manifest spec now formally defines deep links [1]. 

"A deep link is a URL that is within scope of an installed web application. "

Conceptually, it works as defined in my previous email. If anyone has any feedback, please let me know. 


Received on Monday, 2 February 2015 11:03:35 UTC