Re: API for network optimization

Dear Dom,

I think this theme is very important, too.
Utilizing this kind of APIs directly leads to improvement of user
experience. I think it is users to provide such information, not operators.


On 2014/11/26 23:52, Dominique Hazael-Massieux wrote:
> Hi all,
> Back at the Telcos@w3c breakout in TPAC, we ended the session discussing
> how browser vendors and/or Web application developers could adapt their
> network usage to the underlying network:
> Ilya (copied) explained how the specific network configuration (e.g. its
> response to particular pattern of network traffic) can affect
> dramatically the final performance of the Web app.
> While there are already ongoing discussions on an API to adapt to the
> user's data plan [1], I wonder if there is also any interest in working
> on an operator-neutral API that would let developers get some visibility
> as to how they should behave on the network to obtain optimal
> performances while reducing network load.
> I'm interested in feedback on the value of pushing such work, as well as
> on whether there is any realistic hope such information can be provided
> by (at least some) network operators.
> Thanks,
> Dom
> 1.

Ryoichi "Roy" Kawada, Dr.Eng.
W3C Fellow from KDDI
Senior Visiting Researcher
Keio Research Institute at SFC
Phone:  +81 3 3516 2504
Fax:    +81 3 3516 0617
Mobile: +81 80 5943 9606

Received on Thursday, 27 November 2014 00:58:04 UTC