RE: Identity work? (OPEN)


I think this is a great idea, not at least as we was involved in one of the recent conversations around this.

Since this group has the "mobile" in the name, I guess this must be the basis for any work on this within this group. However, IMHO, there's a need to look into this within W3C from a generic perspective, with an identity framework for the open web platform in general, supporting "any" underlying identity service or identity bindings, including the mobile specifics ones as the binding to the SIM. (Although Telenor is mainly a mobile operator, our initial interest in this is unrelated to SIM).

For this group to look into mobile specific use cases is a first step. But how to we proceed to make sure generic use-cases are addressed, incl. WebRTC? 

Best regards

-----Original Message-----
From: Dominique Hazael-Massieux [] 
Sent: 29. januar 2014 15:48
Subject: Identity work?


There has been several recent conversations where the opportunity to look (again) at better identity management in Web browsers have
* among the APIs that the recently announced Chrome-Apps brought to their mobile Cordova wrapper includes "identity"

* the work on WebRTC has a component dedicated to identity to enable P2P authentication

* the closing-the-gap report suggested standardized identity management to facilitate personalization, cross-device usage

Many of the big players in mobile (incl. OS vendors, operators, social
networks) are also identity providers.

W3C ran a workshop on the topic 3 years ago: which resulted in the ongoing work on the Web Crypography API.

But I'm curious to hear this group's perspectives on whether we should look at more work in this space, what mobile brings as specific needs, the type of use cases we would like to see facilitate, etc.



Received on Friday, 31 January 2014 09:48:14 UTC