[W3C WEBMOB] Tomorrow's teleconference call

Hi all!

Tomorrow we have another packed teleconference call! As you will have seen in the emails after TPAC we have been restructuring the group to focus on (1) Network and (2) API topics. You should have seen two emails about these in the past few weeks about the charters of the Networking Task Force [1] and the API Task Force [2]. We will be spending the majority of the teleconference discussing these topics and task forces, and answering any questions or comments the group may have about the restructure. Please also let me know if you wish to add anything to the agenda!

Dial: +1-617-761-6200 or sip:zakim@voip.w3.org then conference code 932662 ("WEBMOB")
IRC: IRC channel: #webmob.

* Welcome
* New group structure
* Two Task Forces
* Networking Task Force - objectives, deliverables
* API Task Force - objectives, deliverables
* Other relevant work

If you have further additions or comments please feel free to let me know.

Speak to you tomorrow!

[1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-web-mobile/2014Dec/0001.html
[2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-web-mobile/2014Dec/0011.html

Natasha Rooney | Web Technologist | GSMA | nrooney@gsma.com<mailto:nrooney@gsma.com> | +44 (0) 7730 219 765 | @thisNatasha | Skype: nrooney@gsm.org<mailto:nrooney@gsm.org>
Tokyo, Japan

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Received on Tuesday, 16 December 2014 02:09:09 UTC