Re: Mobile, Web and Multi-device

Perhaps it is too simplistic but when I try to explain what is a webapp and
how is different to a mobile web I use the "how you interact with the
resource" on first stage approach.

Both are based on html/css/js technologies, but a "web" (we use web as
website in Spanish) is a resource located on a server and accessed by http
protocol while in a webapp is stored in your device.

Taking that into consideration, I am partially agree with webapps being a
subset of the Web, and specially mobile webapps as subset of "mobile web".

Regarding hybrid and native/web apps on web based OS, most of the time the
issue is related with which APIs the provider offers, some under W3C
discussion, some provided as exclusive by the provider.. And it is here
where I see a potential break/fragmentation on webapp apis among devices/OS

El viernes, 20 de septiembre de 2013, escribió:

> On 9/20/13 12:58 AM, "ext Dominique Hazael-Massieux" <<javascript:;>>
> wrote:
> >Le vendredi 20 septembre 2013 à 12:19 +0900, Satoru Takagi a écrit :
> >> Since I do not have the definition completely and I am not good at
> >> English, I would like to know your understanding.
> >> What differs between "mobile web" and "mobile web applications"? Is
> >> one of the two a subset of other? Or does one of the two have a part
> >> which is not contained on the other?
> >
> >I think "mobile Web" stands for "Web used on mobile" (with all the
> >caveats of the previous discussions around what "mobile" itself means).
> >
> >Web applications are probably a subset of that, although what
> >constitutes a Web app, and how it differs from a Web site is known to be
> >a hard-to-decide problem; some references on this:
> >
> >perts-think/
> >
> >(if I dare cite myself :)
> >
> >ml#msg3
> I agree partially regarding the web app being a subset of mobile web. Of
> course, web apps can be for "desktop" as well. It is more like an
> intersection of a venn diagram, than a subset of either.
> >
> >
> >> Moreover, what differs between "apps" and "web apps"? What is the
> >> reason that we expect that "web apps" attracts everyone (not only
> >> developer but also consumer)?
> >
> >So, I have a draft document that touches upon this that I was thinking
> >of submitting to this group:
> >
> >
> >It's drafty and will clearly need to discussed in details, but at least
> >it hopefully provides a starting point in defining the right terms.
> >
> >(I also have another document on the strengths of Web apps vs native
> >apps, but it still needs further work before I bring it here)
> I like the "taxonomy" of web. We may want to break them down in genus and
> species ;-)
> I have had multiple occasions when I needed to explain these terms to
> non-technical peeps.
> I usually describe the "web apps" as (single-page) web that take more
> user-interactions, and usually built with latest technologies that
> requires advanced browsers, while the "web sites" interacts less with the
> users.
> However, of course the boundary is fuzzy, and even a web site with
> read-only article can have some interactive "widgets" in the page.
> I am not trying to bring back the topic, but yes, classification of
> "mobile" is getting too complicated these days.
> It is not just the hand-held devices that connect to Internet on cellular
> network anymore. How about wearables? Internet of Things?
> Google Glass is probably considered mobile, and it has a web browser that
> can access "mobile web" too.
> About native/web overwrap - all the packaged apps for web-based OS are
> still considered to be native apps, although they are written in
> And hybrid app. Users actually can't even tell it the app is mostly or
> partially running on WebView or not.
> tomomi

J. Manrique López de la Fuente

Received on Sunday, 22 September 2013 07:32:56 UTC