Re: Mobile, Web and Multi-device

I find myself agreeing strongly with many of the points made here.

Bryan makes a particularly cogent point, I believe, identifying the user journey between devices … and that's why our mission is "to accelerate the development of Web technology so that it becomes a compelling platform for mobile applications and the obvious choice for cross platform development." 

Use of the word "mobile" is problematic. I'm not all that happy with it. But until we come up with a better way of communicating to all kinds of people at many stages of understanding that what we /really/ mean is multi-platform and cross-platform delivery of products and services that respond not only to the equipment being used for interacting with them, but also the context (beyond the equipment) in which the interaction is taking place … "mobile" will do. 

"Doing real life stuff" sounds like a very useful and down-to-earth way of getting at it.

Personally I like the term "contextual" which would give us the "contextual web", but who would understand that? "Oh, you mean mobile?" 

On the meme of "the meaningless of mobile", I wrote a blog post about it a while back.

Good to see the consensus develop so quickly around this - we could have an IG Note, establishing a position before long!


On 18 Sep 2013, at 15:14, Marcos Caceres <> wrote:

> On Wednesday, September 18, 2013 at 1:39 PM, Patrick H. Lauke wrote:
>> On 18/09/2013 11:53, Jorge Rumoroso wrote:
>>> "Mobile web" is the web that it is created (or adapted) to be used as
>>> soon as the user need it, in multiple context and multiple devices (with
>>> or without any capability and with some enviromental handicaps), not
>>> when the user is in an specific situation of place and device.
>> So it's the *content* and services that are mobile, rather than the 
>> devices. I like that redefinition.
> Agree. This has little specifically to do with phones, tablets, etc. It's just about doing regular life stuff on a range of different devices, but with the Web as the platform. 
> -- 
> Marcos Caceres

Received on Wednesday, 18 September 2013 14:54:36 UTC