- From: Jose Manrique Lopez de la Fuente <jsmanrique@gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 13:14:13 +0200
- Cc: public-web-mobile@w3.org
- Message-ID: <CAAn8QXoUvnqsMAGVsnZHVfFr0wCHjsd8ppTFZs04pYPe8EKLoA@mail.gmail.com>
Great! As you've said it is a great starting point! I like specially the first slide in your hightlights [1]. It is clear that time spent on apps is more and it is important to know why: - people are used to apps marketplace to look for info? - people are "tired" of checking not adapted websites, with poor mobile UX.. I have seen many taking a look into hotels, restaurants, events, ... websites, seeing that they look awful on the mobile, and ask the owner for a mobile app! - companies going "app" first instead of "one web" first? marketing business based on creating apps is easier to track that "one web" market? On the other hand, I would said, as you mention, "native apps" development tools are zillions ahead to "one web" development tools, specially because some devices and OS companies have a "walled garden" market based on the apps build for them... Could "we" bring something similar for the "one web"? Could FirefoxOS work as an example of an alternative? Just some thoughts! Best regards, [1] http://www.w3.org/2013/Talks/dhm-closingthegap/#(2) 2013/9/16 Dominique Hazael-Massieux <dom@w3.org> > Hi all, > > I wanted to introduce quickly some of the work that happened last spring > and will hopefully serve as a useful starting point for the work this > group is pursuing. > > As part of the W3C headlights 2013 [1], I formed and led [2] a task > force of ~20 people to look at where Web technologies lagged behind > native ones, named "Closing the gap with Native" [3]. > > That task force, which included at least two of the co-chairs of this > IG, had a number of pretty productive discussions [4] on a wide range of > topics, from technical gaps (e.g. good offline support) to more > structural ones (e.g. how can W3C better react to developer's input). > > I presented the conclusions of the task force to the W3C advisory > committee in June: > http://www.w3.org/2013/Talks/dhm-closingthegap/ > and a further refinement of these findings to W3C management in July. > > Among the results of these conclusions [5], I have been put in charge of > ensuring that the needs highlighted by the task force, as well as the > ones this Interest Group will establish, get indeed fulfilled in a > timely fashion, with increased coordination and focus from the relevant > W3C Working Groups. > > I fully intend to use the Web and Mobile Interest Group as a big driver > of this coordination and focus, as well as input to determining where > the priorities should be set. > > A key time in this exercise is the W3C staff-internal quarterly meeting > for "strategic management of standards", the next occurrence of which > will be in December; I hope we can thus work toward establishing a clear > set of checkpoints in advance of that meeting. > > I have also made good progress toward a gap analysis document that I > hope to submit to this group in the upcoming few weeks as a possible > starting point for our "gap analysis deliverable". > > Dom > > 1. http://www.w3.org/QA/2013/01/on_the_w3c_agenda_headlights_2_1.html > 2. http://www.w3.org/QA/2013/03/closing_the_gap_with_native_ap.html > 3. http://www.w3.org/wiki/Closing_the_gap_with_native > 4. http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-closingthegap/ > 5. > http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-closingthegap/2013Sep/0000.html > > > > -- J. Manrique López de la Fuente http://about.me/jsmanrique
Received on Monday, 16 September 2013 11:14:45 UTC