Proposal to switch to an object-literal Intent constructor

Hi everyone!

I'll be sending several emails in the next few days following up to
discussions we had at the F2F meeting. One proposal is adding an
object literal constructor for the Intent object. This object literal
will be convenient for adding other types of constructor arguments
which we know we will want (defaults, explicit intents, perhaps even
more exotic varieties to be discovered later).

My proposal is to replace the existing signature with the object
literal constructor.


[Constructor(in string action, in string type, in optional any data,
in optional sequence<Transferable> transferList, in optional
dictionary<string> extraData) raises DOMException]
interface Intent {
  readonly attribute DOMString     action;
  readonly attribute DOMString     type;
  readonly attribute any           data;
  readonly attribute MessagePort[] ports;
  string getExtra (DOMString key);
  void   postResult (any data, optional  sequence);
  void   postFailure (any data);

Proposed change:

dictionary IntentParameters {
 DOMString action;
 DOMString type;
 any data;
 sequence<Transferable> transfer;
 dictionary<string> extras;

[Constructor(in IntentParameters parameters)]
interface Intent {
  readonly attribute DOMString     action;
  readonly attribute DOMString     type;
  readonly attribute any           data;
  readonly attribute MessagePort[] ports;
  string getExtra (DOMString key);
  void   postResult (any data, optional  sequence);
  void   postFailure (any data);

When using the object literal constructor, the "action" and "type"
members are required, all others are optional.

(Aside to Robin: is there a convention for marking required/optional
dictionary fields? I saw a "type? name" syntax on IndexedDB. Is that
the standard?)

The proposal removes the constructor without the object literal:

[Constructor(in string action, in string type, in optional any data,
in optional sequence<Transferable> transferList) raises DOMException]

What do you think? Would it be an advantage to keep this constructor
to keep the simple use cases simpler? The difference is this:

var x = new Intent("", "", person);
var x = new Intent({"action":"",

Is the shorter first form worth the addition of the extra constructor
signature? Named arguments are pretty nice...

Received on Wednesday, 28 March 2012 23:50:46 UTC