web intent semantics?

I am implementing web intents as a chrome extension and would like to
better understand the semantics of the "share" intent, e.g. for photos.

What is responsible for selecting the photo to share?

   a. the current web page that invokes the share intent
   b. the user selected photo sharing service

As far as I can tell, the Google proposal is for (b) as I haven't found
any mention of the API for passing a photo to a photo sharing site.

The first interpretation (a) would be nice as it would avoid the need
for the user to re-select the photo in the situation where the current
web page has already selected it. You could also use one service to
select one or more photos, and another service to share them with.

The picker example [1] seems to assume that the service returns
something that is mapped into an array, the zeroth entry of which is the
URL for the image. I wasn't able to spot where this detail was defined.
Can you please point me where to look?

The discover intent appears to return a JSON data structure that in some
as yet undefined way describes the APIs a target site supports. Of
course, I may be mistaken in my interpretation, as it could perhaps just
return a URL that dereferences to the JSON data structure. What is the
correct interpretation?

Are web intent responses limited to URLs?

[1] http://examples.webintents.org/intents/pick/pick.html

Dave Raggett <dsr@w3.org> http://www.w3.org/People/Raggett

Received on Tuesday, 21 February 2012 12:30:32 UTC