Re: SOAP and XML support

On 6/3/05, S. Mike Dierken <> wrote:
> > >I think the power of automation is with XML.
> >
> > I don't think XML has a monopoly on automation.
> There's a big jumble of isolated capabilities from many providers that XML
> can help smooth over and bring into the larger network that is the Web.
> There's much more than that, but it's this broken ground that needs to be
> fixed.

Sorry for the heresy, but I'd suggest that in general XML,
specifically the profusion of application-specific formats are part of
the problem. To make the Web more joined-up in its services will
require more than low-level syntax conventions (they're useful, but
nothing like sufficient).


Received on Friday, 3 June 2005 10:25:40 UTC