Re: Scanning for beacons w/in a web page

In the first iteration of Web Bluetooth connecting to multiple devices or
scanning devices does seem out of scope, but this is a reasonable use case.
It looks like there are a few ways to satisfy the use case:
1. A separate beacon location API for beacons.
2. User grants access to passive scanning data.
3. Extension to Web Bluetooth requestDevice where user grants access to
more than one device. E.g. " would like to connect to all
devices offering temperature services. [OK], [No]", This may be more
feasible for standardized services where they can be described by the
browser, perhaps limiting to services that are read only.

On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 9:49 AM, Scott Jenson <> wrote:

> I think you misunderstand my project ;-)
> It's actually very reasonable to go from viewing 'a device' to viewing 'a
> collection of devices'. Even Apple iBeacon encourages this with their
> major/minor numbering scheme: the whole point being that a single app can
> control/interact with a family of devices.
> I totally appreciate that writing a scanner in JS is hard and exposes
> risks, that's why I asking about it, openly, trying to find the correct
> balance. If it's coming, great, I'm just pointing out that the value is
> high and it would be very helpful to have it earlier rather than later.
> Scott
>   Scott Jenson   |   Chrome UX  | | +1 650 265-7174
> On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 8:20 AM, Scott James Remnant <>
> wrote:
>> I think you've lost some notes from our discussions ;-)
>> The WebBluetooth API is intended for the web page at the URL, allowing it
>> to connect to the device from which the user obtained the URL to itself,
>> and to interact with that device. e.g. the vending machine, or parking
>> meter examples.
>> The connection APIs fit in because the user can re-open that web page and
>> any time, and thus it allows the web page to find the device again and
>> connect back to it, even much later. The connection API uses a UI picker to
>> provide the security grant.
>> The scanner, that listens for URLs, isn't to be written in WebBluetooth
>> but in the OS core APIs (e.g. Android, Chrome OS) which provide richer
>> support for such things. Thus the resulting UI that allows the user to
>> select a URL can be considered a picker, and thus provide a security grant
>> for WebBluetooth to the web-page it opens.
>> I'm not sure that the museum example fits into the Open Web talk you've
>> given before. How would the exhibit URLs be ranked to give the user the
>> right one? How would you avoid malicious intent of phony exhibit beacons?
>> etc. it's way closer to a beacon case where the app already knows the UUIDs
>> of each exhibit, and the app has the text.
>> That said, APIs for scanning and such will probably end up in later
>> iterations of WebBluetooth.
>> The focus for now is on what's needed for your original vision.
>> On Wed Jan 14 2015 at 5:50:08 AM Scott Jenson <> wrote:
>>> I appreciate the privacy reasons why the current BLE approach is to
>>> connect to a single device and talk only to that device.
>>> However, for the physical web project, we'd also like to figure out a
>>> way to support ''the museum scenario". In this case, all of the exhibits
>>> broadcast a single URL, the 'museum app' which displays the overall museum
>>> experience. However, it can also show what exhibits are nearby and give you
>>> info as you walk through. It could even connect to exhibits and make them
>>> interactive.
>>> The purpose of this example is call out the need for a web page to work
>>> with a collection of related BLE devices, not just a single one. My concern
>>> is that the current one-at-a-time approach that is being taken, while
>>> secure, is preventing this scenario.
>>> Is there a way we could ask the user for an additional permission,
>>> something like we do for geo-location, so the JS could then scan for a
>>> family of beacons?
>>> Scott
>>>   Scott Jenson   |   Chrome UX  |

Received on Wednesday, 14 January 2015 18:10:26 UTC