Re: [web-bluetooth] getPrimaryService (and similar) should throw if UUID is not found

I'm undecided, but think for services/characteristics that I know may 
not be there I may still prefer to handle the scenario with rejected 
promises. Let's see what folks say when they try it.

Here's a rework the earlier code with current spec behavior. I suppose
 it's not so bad.:

  filters: [ {services: [uuid1]} ]
}).then(function(device) {
  return device.connectGATT();
}).then(function(gattServer) {
  return gattServer.getPrimaryService(uuid1);
}).then(function(service) {
  if (!service)
    throw "service not found";
  return service.getCharacteristics(uuid2);
}).then(function(characteristics) {
  if (!characteristics[5])
    throw "characteristics[5] not found";
  characteristics[5]; // Ready to use it.
}).catch(... oh noes, normal exception handling ...);

GitHub Notif of comment by scheib

Received on Friday, 29 May 2015 05:08:59 UTC