Re: [media-and-entertainment] Overview of Media Technologies for the Web updates (#32)

Following [discussions during last IG call](, I created a "**heat map**" page in the Overview of Media Technologies for the Web document that lists all groups mentioned throughout the pages, along with the specifications they are (or were) responsible for, see:

This page is automatically generated from the contents of the other pages. Given the current backend design and focus on web technologies of these pages, the list basically only contains W3C groups and the WHATWG. It contains ~30 groups and ~90 specs.

The page is a bit raw for the time being, and e.g. does not distinguish groups that are active from those who are no longer around. It does not distinguish either between specifications that have been published as standards, those that are ongoing, and those that have stalled for some reason. This could perhaps be added later on. However, note that this information can typically be inferred by looking at the contents of the pages that mention these groups and specifications!

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Received on Saturday, 9 May 2020 13:51:42 UTC