Re: [GGIE] Use cases and changes

 -  you have run out of luck :)

Asking questions about a use case is very good and something to be encouraged,   but it should be done as an email to this list (  because it will let others chime in with their ideas, and it will hopefully capture some or all of the discussion around answering the question.    We are delving into new territory and capturing our thoughts behind where we end up is almost as important as what we end up with.


From: Nilo Mitra <<>>
Date: Thursday, March 12, 2015 at 2:18 PM
To: Glenn Deen <<>>, "<>" <<>>
Subject: RE: [GGIE] Use cases and changes

Hello Glenn:
Thanks for adding the “Author” field.

I like the “Changes” field very much. It is a quick way, assuming the person editing takes the trouble, to highlight what to look for.

Pushing my luck a bit further, I wonder if a “Questions” field might also be useful. Often I just have questions for clarification about the use case, and rather than wait for a telcon (or write an email which may not interest everyone), it might be easier to just ask the question in that field. The author can then adjust the use case text to address the question (if the resolution is straightforward) or we could go over all open questions at each telcon. In any case, a use case would not be considered to be complete until all pending questions have been answered.


From: Vickers, Mark []
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2015 4:32 PM
To: Deen, Glenn (NBCUniversal)
Cc: Giuseppe Pascale;<>
Subject: Re: [GGIE] Use cases and changes

I’m personally fine using only the built-in history and changes mechanisms that Giuseppe describes below, because:
1. It’s consistent across all W3C wikis.
2. It’s automatic - no chance of forgetting to list a change.
3. It’s less work.
4. It meets my personal needs.

However, I have no objection if the group wants to add a changes section.


On Mar 12, 2015, at 10:39 AM, Deen, Glenn (NBCUniversal) <<>> wrote:

What do people think about adding  a “Changes” section to the use case template where editors can jot a Date + who + explanation of the change they did.     That will allow readers to know there was at least a change , who did it and when.

For example:


  *   3/11/15 – glenn deen – added Author field to use case template

If there aren’t objections, I’ll add this to our template.


From: Giuseppe Pascale <<>>
Date: Thursday, March 12, 2015 at 12:41 AM
To: "<>" <<>>
Subject: [GGIE] Use cases and changes
Resent-From: "<>" <<>>
Resent-Date: Thursday, March 12, 2015 at 12:42 AM

On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 6:35 PM, Kazuyuki Ashimura <<>> wrote:

Use case template

   NiloM: Suggests changes to the use case template.

   <kaz> [9]Use Case wiki


   kaz: wiki system does have feature to track changes.
   ... perhaps we can assign a specific author and reviewer to
   each use case.

   <inserted> [ fyi, the old use case template of the main IG had
   fields on "submitter" and "reviewer":
   [10] ]


   glenndeen: will think about the best way to manage updates to
   wiki. Suggests we have a discussion on the mailing list.

   kaz: maybe users can use different colors when making edits.

   <NiloM> color is better than nothing. At least it would show
   what changed.

Not sure if the built in wiki features are useful enough, but just for the record:

- there is a "view history" section in each wiki page (reachable via a top-right tab/button) where one can select two versions of the page an see the changes.

- logged in people can also subscribe to changes, so each time the document changes you get an email.

- changes can also be shared on the list with a link like this


Received on Thursday, 12 March 2015 21:28:22 UTC