Re: 5 ways HTML5 can and should be improved

Hi Christophe

03.06.2015, 09:56, "Christophe de Dinechin" <>:
> I understand that the charter of this list is to focus on what can be done with existing web technologies. 

Yes, and specifically within the requirements of "television on the Web" - for other stuff you might want to look at the SVG, HTML or CSS working groups. There are others for more specific areas too…

> Is there any concerted effort at the moment to think about improving the core languages of the web for the kind of real-time content requirements that keep being discussed on this list?

Yes. And there are efforts to make that work with the multitude of requirements from communities who have very different goals and needs. Most groups welcome feedback that helps improve the part of the Web platform for which they are responsible. A quick look at should help find the relevant group for any given piece…


Charles McCathie Nevile - web standards - CTO Office, Yandex - - - Find more at

Received on Wednesday, 3 June 2015 10:43:38 UTC