Re: AW: [api] Draft Agenda of Media API CC tomorrow Wednesday April 2nd

To address rights issues, you can:

A) Make a Member Submission now.


B) After the CG is formed, make a contribution to the CG under the Community Contributor License Agreement (CLA). This probably makes most sense.

Staff, please amend this if not correct.


On Apr 3, 2014, at 6:42 AM, "Futasz, Alexander" <<>> wrote:

Hi Jean-Charles,

I'm listed as one of the authors for the webinos TV Control API. Don't worry about the copyright, we as Fraunhofer FOKUS can contribute this spec, no problem (and even a prototyped implementation for that spec).

So you're welcome to use that API as a starting point. We should go ahead and start on that required feature matrix that you suggested on the other mail thread. We can do that on the wiki page Maybe you could start adding the points you need and which aren't covered by the webinos spec?

Thanks and Best Regards

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: "Jean-Charles (JC) Verdié" []
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 3. April 2014 09:32
An: Bassbouss, Louay
Cc: Daniel Davis; HU, BIN; public-web-and-tv; Futasz, Alexander; Lasak,
Martin; Steglich, Stephan
Betreff: Re: [api] Draft Agenda of Media API CC tomorrow Wednesday April

Hi Louay

Thanks for this contribution. I see this document is "copyrighted"
webinos consortium.

Can you tell us more? There's probably some sort of inspiration here
(although at a first glance it doesn't seem to cover every of our needs), but
I'd like to understand what type of contribution webinos can bring and
whether we can envision to use your outcomes as a starting point or not.


Bassbouss, Louay wrote:
Hi Daniel, all, we also worked in webinos project on a Tuner-like API
called TV Control API. The spec is available here, My colleagues Alex
and Martin (CC) was actively involved in this spec. We have interest
to actively work on the W3C Tuner API, Alex will join the Telco today.
Sorry, I will not be able to join the Telco today Lbut if you think
there are action items to assign to me/us please tell Alex during the Telco.

Best regards,


-----Original Message-----

From: Daniel Davis []

Sent: Mittwoch, 2. April 2014 10:08


Cc: public-web-and-tv

Subject: Re: [api] Draft Agenda of Media API CC tomorrow Wednesday


Thanks for the agenda Bin.

I've put a page on the wiki for the Tuner API (or whatever it will


There's not much detail but we can use it as a base for discussion.


On 02/04/14 02:41, HU, BIN wrote:


Just a friendly reminder that we will have a Media API conference

at 9am EDT (reference time) on Wednesday April 2^nd tomorrow.

The CC logistics is as follows:

* Time:*9:00 EDT* (=6:00 Pacific, 9:00 Eastern, 13:00 UTC, 15:00

Europe, 22:00 Korea/Japan)

* Phone: US: *+1 617 761 6200* or SIP: *<>*

* Conference Code: *932881* ("webtv1")

* IRC channel: *#webtv*

The draft agenda is as follows:

1. Roll call, introductions and selection of scribe 2. Review

items and issues



3. Review and approve the WG Note



4. Discuss 2nd iteration of work - process, schedule and approach

the future

5. Any Other Business

Thank you

Bin Hu | Service Standards | AT&T

Received on Thursday, 3 April 2014 14:50:53 UTC