[testing] minutes - 11 September 2013

available at:

also as text below.

Thanks a lot for taking these minutes, Mark!



       [1] http://www.w3.org/

                                - DRAFT -

                     Web and TV IG - Testing TF call

11 Sep 2013



    See also: [3]IRC log

       [3] http://www.w3.org/2013/09/11-webtv-irc


           Clarke, Kaz, Mark, Giridhar, Giuseppe, Daniel, Bin,
           Pierre, Igarashi, Cyril


           Mark, giuseppep


      * [4]Topics
          1. [5]Graph of survey results
          2. [6]Introductory text
          3. [7]Requirements document
      * [8]Summary of Action Items

    <kaz> Scribe: Mark

Graph of survey results

    <inserted> scribenick: Mark_Vic_

    clarke: Kaz created a graph for his action item. Kaz will



    kaz: I put the graph on the wiki. the graph includes all 53
    results from the surveys.
    ... The color represents the category of each spec.
    ... The color is described in the key below the graph.
    ... External survey on X axis, internal survey is Y axis.

    --- Most important is upper right

    <giuseppep> scribenick: giuseppep

    <scribe> scribe: giuseppep

    mark: the testing group now has a TV profile, that came for me
    as a temporary input waiting for this group to finilize this
    ... we now need to provide something similar, that replace what
    they have
    ... if we give them this set of data they would have to do this

    <inserted> scribenick: Mark_Vic_

    <giuseppep> scribe: mark

    giuseppe: we are mixing some internal and external list info,
    ... I agree we need to generate a profile, but I think a
    ranking is more useful than a threshold binary decision

    clarke: Agree that it's more useful to have a ranking, but also
    useful to have a threshold to get a first list

    giuseppe: i think we should supply all this data to the testing
    group, and they can decide what to do.
    ... The coremob list was more from the app POV, whereas the TV
    list was more regarding devices POV

    clarke: does everyone agree with that? [no disagreements]
    ... we could try more than one approach and compare & decide
    ... I'd like volunteers to provide columns of priorities
    ... Clarke & Mark Vickers volunteered to make ranking &
    threshold columns

    <kaz> ACTION: Clarke to work with Mark and create aggregated
    rank and mandatory/optional columns for the survey table
    [recorded in

    giuseppe: do we also include the graph?

    clarke: yes [no one disagreed]

    giuseppe: so the final result will be a ranking, a threshold
    and the graph [no one disagreed]
    ... In answer to question on the list, we should send it to
    Tobie's testing coordination group.

    clarke: so, we send to tobie directly & let him distribute from

Introductory text

    <inserted> [11]Clarke's generated text (Member only)


    clarke: Moving to the paragraph (which is on GoToMeeting now)

    giuseppe: change name. take name from wiki or address to tobie
    ... second, also explain that this is different from the
    coremob profile in that it is focused on devices and not
    ... mobile was definitely focussed on applications

    <kaz> ACTION: Clarke to edit introductory paragraph to include
    description of audience polled and add correct group name
    [recorded in

    mav: suggest we explain where data is from but not characterize
    as device vs. app

    clarke: any suggestion on where to publish this?

    ddavis: I'll ask tobie

    <ddavis> ACTION: ddavis to ask tobie about how/where to publish
    testing coverage list [recorded in

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-142 - Ask tobie about how/where to
    publish testing coverage list [on Daniel Davis - due

Requirements document

    clarke: giuseppe, do you want to discuss your comments next?
    ... the comments are grouped into categories

    <Clarke> Req. Document:


    giuseppe: First comment: Descriptions needed.

    clarke: agree

    giuseppe: About requirements themselves, one thing missing: Do
    we need the result to be machine readable? Do we need the
    results to be tamper-proof?

    clarke: I'll add that

    giuseppe: Some of my comments may be resolved when descriptions
    are added, so I'll hold off on those

    giusppe: Also, not sure why we distinguish general requirements
    from specific use case requirements

    clarke: This just reflects how the requirements were derived,
    but not sure that evolutionary info is useful in the final
    ... In general, I welcome comments on how this report whould be

    giuseppe: I feel one general requirement is more useful than
    the specific/general categories.
    ... For example, there is duplication between the two lists.
    ... On the performance requirements: some may be different for
    different groups. Should the requirements target which group it
    is for?

    clarke: I like pointing groups at particular requirements

    giuseppe: we alos need to be specific what we want from each
    ... After the first part of use case requirements, we jump to
    specific spec requirements (e.g. EME)
    ... It's not clear to me why we have specific requirements for
    some specs and not others
    ... we also have specific spec requirements for specs that
    aren't in the priority table (e.g. NSD spec)

    clarke: table mostly published specs

    giuseppe: Need to explain this in the document. explain why we
    picked certain specs in ranking.
    ... for example, the section on specific specs could say:
    "We're monitoring these specs in development and here are some
    additional testing requirements..."

    bin: If we submit the doc to specific groups, it's clear what
    we want, but what do we want from tobie's group

    giuseppe: We want tobie to update the TV mandatory spec list
    and also use the ranking as needed

    (apologize for jumping the queue.)

    gmandyam: I was in the coremob group and part of the problem
    was that the specification list wasn't as useful without
    performance levels.
    ... for example, MSE is an example of a requirement that may
    not work at the JavaScript performance level in mobile devices.
    So, are we going to address performance level.

    <gmandyam> Thanks for summarizing - Mark

    giuseppe: I tried to add a general need for performance, but
    perhaps we also need to address it at the specific spec level,
    e.g. CSS animation
    ... Of course, performnace spec would require a standard way to
    test performance

    clarke: Is performance level a spec issue or a market issue

    gmandyam: My point is that if you're just specifying
    functionality without performance, you're not doing a full
    service. Is performance in scope?

    clarke: The group never addressed performance as a scope issue
    one way or the other

    giuseppe: I think we need to address performance

    clarke: My hesitation is that performance specs can get very

    giuseppe: Not sure we need to provide the benchmarks in this
    group, perhaps just highlight which specs need performance
    testing and work with the specific working groups on develping
    performace tests

    clarke: running out o f time
    ... suggest taking performance issue to email list
    ... we have a number of specific action items on the document
    ... I'll add action items as formal action items

    <Zakim> kaz, you wanted to ask if we want to invite Tobie to
    this call itself (maybe next time?)

    kaz: seems we need even more collaboration with tobie's team,
    so why not have a joint meeting by phone and/or a joint F2F at

    clarke: clarke & kaz will follow up on joint meetings

    <kaz> ACTION: Clarke to work with Kaz and consider joint
    meeting(s) with general testing group (Tobie) and make
    recommendations [recorded in


      [16] http://www.principledtechnologies.com/benchmarkxprt/webxprt/

    bin: Not sure performance is priority of any w3C group now.
    ... there is an external group (link above) that is providing
    performance test info

    gmanyam: decision to deprioritize performance is tobie's
    decision. I have provided a performance tool that could be used
    to tobie.

    giuseppe: [unintelligible audio]

    <Clarke> Thanks for scribing, Mark

    clarke: Let's continue discussion on mail list
    ... meeting adjourned

    <kaz> [ adjourned ]

Summary of Action Items

    [NEW] ACTION: Clarke to work with Mark and create aggregated
    rank and mandatory/optional columns for the survey table
    [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: Clarke to edit introductory paragraph to include
    description of audience polled and add correct group name
    [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: ddavis to ask tobie about how/where to publish
    testing coverage list [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: Clarke to work with Kaz and consider joint
    meeting(s) with general testing group (Tobie) and make
    recommendations [recorded in

    [End of minutes]

     Minutes formatted by David Booth's [21]scribe.perl version
     1.138 ([22]CVS log)
     $Date: 2013-09-11 15:58:03 $

      [21] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm
      [22] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/

Kaz Ashimura, W3C Staff Contact for Web&TV, MMI and Voice
Tel: +81 466 49 1170

Received on Thursday, 12 September 2013 02:44:15 UTC