Re: webtv-ISSUE-62: Media Source Extensions (MSE) Testing [testing]

On Tue, 02 Apr 2013 18:15:23 +0200, SULLIVAN, BRYAN L <>  

> Maybe you could clarify for us the intent of the wiki and use cases for  
> Web & TV testing?
> Per the info at especially at  
> "The Web & TV Testing task force will do the following:" identifying  
> what needs to be tested (as "Web & TV testing use cases", "prioritized  
> requirements for W3C specification test coverage", etc) what Bin  
> provided seems directly in support of that, and focused clearly on the  
> first round of Web & TV requirements which are now being implemented.
> We're just trying to see how we can add value in this effort.

don't get me wrong, I surely welcome your input and it's surely in line  
with the goal of this TF. I was just questioning the use of the "use case"  
format, not the input itself.

In other words, I was just wondering if it would be more effective if we  
handle it as an "additional" column in our table (for web&tv members  
opinion) rather than as single "use cases". We can discuss this during  
tomorrow call in more details.


> Thanks,
> Bryan Sullivan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Giuseppe Pascale []
> Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2013 9:06 AM
> To:; Clarke Stevens
> Subject: Re: webtv-ISSUE-62: Media Source Extensions (MSE) Testing  
> [testing]
> On Tue, 02 Apr 2013 17:24:29 +0200, Clarke Stevens
> <> wrote:
>> Giuseppe,
>> Are you suggesting that MSE is outside the scope of Web & TV or that
>> specific test suites don't inform the requirements for the test tool in
>> general (or something else)? Since the requirements for MSE were
>> developed
>> within Web & TV IG, I can imagine a potential relationship.
> No, I was suggesting that we don't handle MSE (and other specs) as a "use
> case" but that we work out a better way to handle this issue (i.e. which
> specs are relevant for web&tv ppl)
> I've created a new issue that propose an internal poll to address this
> need.
>> -Clarke
>> On 4/2/13 6:41 AM, "Giuseppe Pascale" <> wrote:
>>> Although I agree this spec (like any other spec) will need a test  
>>> suite,
>>> I don't see how this issue is relevant to our discussion here.
>>> If this was a way to express some priority indication, maybe what we  
>>> can
>>> do is to also run an internal (as in: among web&tv members) poll so  
>>> that
>>> people (companies) can provide their priorities.
>>> /g
>>> On Thu, 28 Mar 2013 23:21:54 +0100, Web and TV Interest Group Issue
>>> Tracker <> wrote:
>>>> webtv-ISSUE-62: Media Source Extensions (MSE) Testing [testing]
>>>> Raised by: Bin Hu
>>>> On product: testing
>>>> Provide comprehensive test suite for HTML5 Media Source Extensions
>>>> (MSE)
>>>> specification to support adaptive and live streaming to a variety of
>>>> devices such as TVs / STBs, smart phones, tablets, and PCs, etc
>>>> Motivation:
>>>> HTML5 MSE extends HTMLMediaElement to allow JavaScript to generate
>>>> media
>>>> streams for playback, thus facilitates a variety of use cases like
>>>> adaptive streaming, time shifting live streams, ad insertion and video
>>>> editing, etc.
>>>> MSE is specifically important for a variety of devices such as TVs /
>>>> STBs, smart phones, tablets, and PCs etc.
>>>> Supporting MSE Testing will accelelate the time-to-market of
>>>> MSE-enabled
>>>> device, offer the consumers with MSE-enabled video services and  
>>>> provide
>>>> end users with better user experience.
>>>> Dependencies:
>>>> User Agent support is required as the JavaScript library needs to be
>>>> extended to support MSE.
>>>> What needs to be standardized:
>>>> User Agent needs to be exposed with MSE-enabled JavaScript library.
>>> --
>>> Giuseppe Pascale
>>> Product Manager TV & Connected Devices
>>> Opera Software

Giuseppe Pascale
Product Manager TV & Connected Devices
Opera Software

Received on Tuesday, 2 April 2013 16:21:12 UTC