Re: Temporal Functions in HTML5?

nothing in the html5 spec, but take a look at

On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 11:25 AM, GAUSMAN, PAUL <> wrote:

> Does anyone find anything in the HTML5 documentation that addresses
> temporal issues?
> Examples would be:
> *       A time reference (absolute and/or relative,)
> *       Time-related cues and/or scripting,
> *       A clock selection capability,
> *       Independent clock functions (e.g. a clock instance just for an app
> or HTML5 based experience, with start/stop/reset/set capabilities,) timing
> parameters within tags, time driven push functions, bidirectional event
> timing functions (logging time between inbound and outbound events,)
> *       Etc.,
> *       Anything that addressing timing in a multi-device, multi-app,
> multi-user experience framework.
> I could easily have missed these or they may be buried in some other
> functionality and not obvious to me.
> Supporting functions might include inter-object/inter-event/inter-device
> messaging and WebRTC interactive functions.
> Existing functionality which could use this includes Closed Captioning and
> playlist execution but these are just the tip of the tip of the iceberg
> compared to the potential emerging applications, like multi-device,
> multi-user, multi-location user experiences, VR, AR, etc.
> Thanks!
> -Paul
> Paul Gausman, Multimedia Service Architect
> Platforms and Enablers
> AT&T Applications and Services Infrastructure
> Q me<qto://talk/pg2483>
> 908-848-5435
> "Don't text and drive!"

Received on Thursday, 24 May 2012 17:30:47 UTC