Re: Draft Charter of Emergency Information TF (was: Re: [DRAFT] Disaster Prevention and Response TF charter

On Tue, 04 Oct 2011 14:13:36 +0200, Silvia Pfeiffer  
<> wrote:
> For example, if all UAs in the US had to register with a US agency as
> soon as they go online, that single agency would know everything about
> when everyone in the US is going online, their IP addresses and their
> devices.
On a parallel thread and out of curiosity, isn't this already possible?
Can't the government get access to all ISP info about connected devices if  
they want to?

(maybe there are some layers of "authorization" required, but does this  
make a difference in practice?)


Giuseppe Pascale
TV & Connected Devices
Opera Software

Received on Tuesday, 4 October 2011 13:42:03 UTC