Re: Interactive Television

On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 4:35 PM, Adam Sobieski <> wrote:
> Hello Silvia,
> I like the idea about a new kind or kinds, possibly "xml" and/or "json".
> Those could be catchalls for usage scenarios beyond the other kinds of
> subtitles, captions, descriptions, chapters and metadata. Another possible
> kind is outlines which resembles chapters.

Metadata is already a catch-all. I think we first need to analyse what
exact needs / use cases we have before making a decision.

> Your example about DHTML overlays with hyperlinks sounds interesting; DHTML
> overlays are possible wherever text and graphics presently occur atop video
> from video post-production techniques and new enhanced features are possible
> with hypertext. Video post-production techniques can make use HTML5 video
> capabilities, DHTML and overlays and so doing might provide for entirely new
> features.

We should then consider asking for a @kind=annotation and specify this
use case some further. Also JSON may not necessarily the best solution
for this use case. We should experiment with JavaScript first. This
way we can identify the best possible solution.

> I think that more kinds alleviates a misunderstanding that under discussion
> was some sort of alternative to WebVTT. WebVTT seems apt for its set of
> kinds and could even be of use in convergence scenarios such as digital
> cable. New kinds for HTML5 video tracks, "xml" and/or "json", can allow for
> more Flash-like functionality with HTML5. By specifying an XML format with
> at least attributes for temporal intervals, any XML that makes use of that
> XMLNS could include time synchronization data that <track/> expects.

Yes, WebVTT is designed to be a general container for
time-synchronized data. But as I said: we should analyse the use cases
in more detail and come up with better means of semantically labelling
the included data than by format.

> With regard to HTML5 video, it seems that new kinds are exciting to discuss.

Very much so!


Received on Thursday, 11 August 2011 07:09:20 UTC