- From: Bob Lund <B.Lund@CableLabs.com>
- Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2011 09:23:13 -0600
- To: Jean-Claude Dufourd <jean-claude.dufourd@telecom-paristech.fr>, Giuseppe Pascale <giuseppep@opera.com>
- CC: "public-web-and-tv@w3.org" <public-web-and-tv@w3.org>, Matt Hammond <matt.hammond@rd.bbc.co.uk>
> -----Original Message----- > From: Jean-Claude Dufourd [mailto:jean-claude.dufourd@telecom- > paristech.fr] > Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 8:39 AM > To: Giuseppe Pascale > Cc: Bob Lund; public-web-and-tv@w3.org; Matt Hammond > Subject: Re: [HOME_NETWORK_TF] Some use cases and requirements for > broadcast TV applications > > On 19/4/11 15:40 , Giuseppe Pascale wrote: > > Furthermore, once we have discovery and pairing of 2 devices, it seems > > to me we already have what's needed. The direct communication could be > > just on of the possible "message exchange" mechanism and could be > > probably be implemented with existing technologies (web sockets?) > JCD: In > http://www.w3.org/2011/webtv/wiki/HNTF/Home_Network_TF_Discussions/Alter > natives > there are proposals of structuration for messages. > Using Web sockets means having messages as text. We can use that > technology, or any other technology that passes text around. > I believe the important question is: do we want to abstract the message > structure or to stay with message = string ? > My experience, admittedly with a UPnP implementation only, is that > having messages automatically broken down in arguments (or parameters) > with typed values is extremely valuable to help create the content and > services. > Best regards > JC I agree that a higher level abstraction is valuable. The challenge is - which higher level abstractions get built into the user agent? UPnP is well-defined in terms of services and abstraction of interfaces to those services. MC-DNS based services are not so well defined: the set of services is open ended and the interfaces to the services are service-specific. In this case, it does not seem practical to consider incorporating all the higher level abstractions into the UA. What I think would be ideal is a middle road where a service can advertise a higher level abstraction of its interface without having the user agent be aware of it. Bob > > -- > JC Dufourd > Directeur d'Etudes/Professor > Groupe Multimedia/Multimedia Group > Traitement du Signal et Images/Signal and Image Processing Telecom > ParisTech, 37-39 rue Dareau, 75014 Paris, France > Tel: +33145817733 - Mob: +33677843843 - Fax: +33145817144
Received on Tuesday, 19 April 2011 15:24:30 UTC