Re: [web-adv] February 1 agenda


On 2022-02-08 10:34, James Rosewell wrote:
> Robin's statement regarding the operation of GPC and mine are compatible 
> with one another.

You claimed: "One consequence of work to reduce data sharing between 
different internet domains, such as Privacy Sandbox or GPC, is to 
significantly increase the value of directly identifiable personal data 
such as email addresses and telephone numbers."

This claim is patently false. GPC is not domain-based and applies 
equally to email or phone numbers, the value of which it therefore 
cannot possibly increase. Claiming that our views on this are 
"compatible" is simply dishonest.

Your ceaseless tactic of confidently advancing a set of false 
statements, being called out for being wrong, then shifting the frame 
and claiming you had been saying something else all along is as 
disingenuous as it is transparent.

As I said my original post, I had reluctantly stepped in to flag your 
disinformation on the off chance that an inexperienced bystander might 
have found themselves fooled by it. Having done that, I see no reason 
from this exchange to update my conclusion that you are acting in bad 
faith, and will consequently return to ignoring your contributions.

Robin Berjon
VP Data Governance
The New York Times Company

Received on Tuesday, 8 February 2022 18:02:24 UTC