Re: Scheduling calls (Re: Web Advertising Meeting at NAB NY show, October 18)

I must send my regrets for tomorrow but I remain interested in the group 
and hope that we can make progress.


On 09/08/2018 18:13, Wendy Seltzer wrote:
> Hi Phil and group,
> No call today, sorry, I'll need to set up a new call. Is Thursday at 2pm
> Eastern / 1800 UTC still good for people?
> Do we have items for discussion next week? I'd like to get more ideas of
> whom else to reach out to -- I've tried to plant a bug of interest among
> other browsers, chatting with people at Google, Mozilla, and Brave.
> Best,
> --Wendy
> On 08/09/2018 09:49 AM, Phil Archer wrote:
>> Hi Wendy,
>> I can't come to that event in NY - I hope it goes well and that it
>> generates some interest - which we sorely need if we're to make progress
>> on this topic.
>> Is there a call today (in 4 hours' time or so) ?
>> Phil
>> On 27/07/2018 18:35, Wendy Seltzer wrote:
>>> Hi Advertising BG,
>>> As I discussed on the last call, I've been invited to talk to the NAB NY
>>> show about W3C's advertising work on Thursday, October 18:
>>> <>
>>> We also have some space afterwards in which to meet to plan next steps
>>> as a BG. Who would be able to join in NY on the afternoon of Oct. 18? To
>>> whom else should I reach out beforehand? I hope also to gather interest
>>> among show attendees at the event itself.
>>> Thanks,
>>> --Wendy

Phil Archer
Director, Web Solutions
+44 (0)7887 767755
Skype: philarcher

Received on Wednesday, 22 August 2018 20:44:04 UTC