[WCAG2ICT] Agenda for the 9 Feb. extra meeting

Hi all,

Tomorrow, 9 Feb. the extra WCAG2ICT meeting will focus on notes for the Accessible Authentication (Minimum) SC. We are working in the Google doc for 3.3.8<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1op2IO_LEUr9hafvX1doPkwZ2iV1928o_dKgBVl5UYQk/edit?usp=sharing>. Last Friday, we worked on Notes 3-5. These are under separate headings in the document to make them easy to navigate to by using the document outline. Here are the individual links for each:

  *   Note 3 proposals<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1op2IO_LEUr9hafvX1doPkwZ2iV1928o_dKgBVl5UYQk/edit#heading=h.e90gvbliooap>
  *   Note 4 proposals<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1op2IO_LEUr9hafvX1doPkwZ2iV1928o_dKgBVl5UYQk/edit#heading=h.z3essot4tqpy>
  *   Note 5 proposals<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1op2IO_LEUr9hafvX1doPkwZ2iV1928o_dKgBVl5UYQk/edit#heading=h.rkhvefkum5cm>

The goal is to, as a sub-group, settle on 2-3 proposal options for each of the notes to take forward to the full Task Force so we can get this last SC into the editor’s draft.

Best regards,

Mary Jo Mueller
IBM Accessibility Standards Program Manager

Received on Thursday, 8 February 2024 22:13:09 UTC