Re: Meeting Agenda, January 18, 2013

Hi gang,

As Mike mentions in the 3rd agenda item below ("Agree approach to 
handling WCAG2ICT/M376 differences"), I've largely completed a 
compare/contrast of our 13 December 2012 (2nd public draft) of/Guidance 
on Applying WCAG 2.0 to Non-Web Information and Communications 
Technologies/ <>with the 
December 5, 2012 draft of M376 <>.  This 
comparison is set forth in 3 tables at our sites wiki page 

The first table looks at how WCAG2ICT compares to the way M376 treats 
documents; the second table does the same with software; while the third 
& final table looks at the closed functionality lists.

In each case, I first list the SC, then the WCAG2ICT text, then the M376 
text (generally that gets two columns - one for "applicability notes" 
and the other containing any text substitutions), and finally my 
observations of any differences and my suggests for what we might do 
with those differences.  I've completed the differences 
analysis/suggestions for documents & software, but not (quite) yet for 
the closed functionality (my energy, er... Petered out...).

In general, where I had suggestions they were either "we should change 
to match M376", or "I think M376 should be strongly encouraged to match 
us", or in a few cases "I think we both should change to some hybrid".  
There were a few cases where the issue/change in question is rather more 
sweeping and perhaps in need of further discussion (e.g. how we each 
handle "content").  In a couple of cases I don't actually have a 
suggestion to make yet.  Finally, there are few places where M376 
explicitly decided something didn't apply to documents or software, 
which I believe is a policy decision appropriately within M376 scope and 
not subject to questions of "harmonization" - at least with WCAG2ICT.  I 
/fervently /hope that such decisions do get harmonized with the Section 
508 refresh, but that is clearly a policy decision not within our hands 
(though we may individually voice are opinions).

I suggest we use that time on the agenda for a quick introduction/survey 
of this work from me to the group, and then survey the topics & my 
suggestions for fixes for our next meeting, Friday January 25th.



On 1/17/2013 11:09 AM, Michael Pluke wrote:
> The WCAG2ICT Task Force will meet Friday, January 18th, at our 
> regularly scheduled time for 90 minutes:
> 10a.m. US EDT for 90 Minutes
> 7:00 AM PDT; 10:00 AM EDT; 14:00 UTC/Z; 3:00 PM BST; 16:00 CET
> Please confirm meeting time in your time zone using the Fixed Time 
> Clock 
> <> [1].*
> +1.617.761.6200 <tel:%2B1.617.761.6200>       (in U.S.)
> Conference Code: 2428# (2ICT#)
> SIP: 
> <> CODE: 
> 2428# (2ICT#)
> Direct SIP: 
> <>
> (Instructions below for SIP and VoIP in REFERENCES below)
> *** AGENDA*
> agenda+ Survey on proposed responses to 1st draft comments LC-2676 and 
> LC-2665 <> [2]
> agenda+ Approach to "set of software" -- agree a definition or 
> interpret as "software"
> agenda+ Agree approach to handling WGAG2ICT/M376 differences -- 
> initially captured in Peter's draft table 
> <> 
> [3]
> agenda+ Action items and plan for next agenda [4]
> adjourn*
> ** IRC INFO*
>      IRC server: <>, port: 6665, channel: 
> #wcag2ict.
>      Zakim phone commands: 61# to mute; 60# to unMute; 41# to raise 
> your hand (enter speaking queue); 40# to lower your hand (exit 
> speaking queue). The system acknowledges commands with a three-tone 
> confirmation.
>       IRC Commands: "zakim, mute me" to mute; "zakim, unmute me" to 
> unMute; "q+" to enter speaking queue; "q-" to exit speaking queue
> *
>     [1] 
> <>
>     [2]__ 
> <>
>     [3] 
>     [4]__
>      Previous meeting minutes: 
>      SIP Instructions:
>      Additional VoIP tips: 
>      IRC setup, agenda robots, speaker queuing, and posting the log to 
> the web:
>      W3C use of IRC:
>      Web gateway to IRC in case your network administrators forbid 
> IRC:
>      RRSAgent that captures and posts log with action items: 
>      IRC interface to phone bridge manager that maintains speaker and 
> agenda queues:
> Mikeand Andi
> WCAG2ICT TF Co-Facilitators

Oracle <>
Peter Korn | Accessibility Principal
Phone: +1 650 5069522 <tel:+1%20650%205069522>
500 Oracle Parkway | Redwood City, CA 94064
Green Oracle <> Oracle is committed to 
developing practices and products that help protect the environment

Received on Friday, 18 January 2013 01:05:57 UTC