Re: Closed non-embedded content???


What Loic and Peter say is a good summary of this.

Mike - does this address your question - issue?  or can you restate in the context of this information?

Gregg Vanderheiden Ph.D.
Director Trace R&D Center
Professor Industrial & Systems Engineering
and Biomedical Engineering University of Wisconsin-Madison
Technical Director - Cloud4all Project -
Co-Director, Raising the Floor - International -
and the Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure Project -

On Oct 19, 2012, at 1:31 PM, Loïc Martínez Normand <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Sorry for being late in this thread, but here are my "two cents".
> I agree with Gregg and Peter. The non-web non-embedded content can be closed (by DRM) to accessibility features such as speech output. Of course it is the user agent who will make this "closure" happen. But if the content has the "voice output disabled" bit, then the user agent will be unable to provide non-visual access (of course, if the user agent behaves properly according to DRM). And, as Peter says, this is a "classical" example of "closed by policy".
> To me this is not different to interactivity. Non-web non-embedded content, according to our definition, can be interactive, but the interactivity will only happen when the user agent is presenting the content.
> Best regards,
> Loïc
> On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 7:15 PM, Peter Korn <> wrote:
> Mike,
> The DRM examples that Gregg raises in this thread arise from a combination of the document & the user agent.  In order for the DRM to work, the document (and any transmission of the document) needs to be encrypted, with the user agent doing the decryption.  And the situations in which the DRM does certain types of decryption depends upon the document.  
> Perhaps this is more "closed by policy" (of the rights holder), but the "closing bit or flag" is within the document.
> Peter
> On 10/19/2012 5:48 AM, Michael Pluke wrote:
>> Is there such a thing as non-Web non-embedded content that is closed?
>> Can anyone think of any examples? We need to answer this question urgently. In all the cases that we can think of it is the device (i.e. the user agent) that is closed.
>> Best regards
>> Mike
> -- 
> <oracle_sig_logo.gif>
> Peter Korn | Accessibility Principal
> Phone: +1 650 5069522 
> 500 Oracle Parkway | Redwood City, CA 94065 
> <green-for-email-sig_0.gif> Oracle is committed to developing practices and products that help protect the environment
> -- 
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Loïc Martínez-Normand
> DLSIIS. Facultad de Informática
> Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
> Campus de Montegancedo
> 28660 Boadilla del Monte
> Madrid
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> e-mail:
> tfno: +34 91 336 74 11
> ---------------------------------------------------------------

Received on Friday, 19 October 2012 19:14:26 UTC