(X)HTML Techniques (Techniques XML Submission Form)

 checkbox checked

Submission Results:

Technology: (X)HTML Techniques 
Techniques Category: minimize-error 
Submitter's Name: Yvette Hoitink 
Submitter's Email: y.p.hoitink@heritas.nl

<technique id="UNKNOWN">
<short-name>Linking to the form element from the error text</short-name>
 <guideline idref="" />
 <success-criterion idref="UNKNOWN" />


<p>Provide a text message that identifies the error</p>

You can link the error text directly to the form element where the mistake was made using an anchor. This allows the user to more quickly navigate to the field where the error was made.


 <affects group="UNKNOWN" />

A form requires the user to fill in his e-mail address. This is the last field in the form. When the user forgets to fill in his e-mail address, the form is displayed again. At the top of the form, the following message is displayed "Please fill in the e-mail address, this is a required field.". This message directly links to the e-mail address field of the form, so the user can activate the link to go directly to the location where the error can be corrected.







Additional Notes:

Received on Sunday, 16 October 2005 16:02:37 UTC