Backlog call tomorrow

For tomorrow’s backlog call, please assign yourself to one or two items in the Drafted column — and be prepared to walk group through that item.  For your issue, please address (not necessarily in this order) the following:
Summarize the issue/concerning/change (if not self-explanatory from title).
Summarize changes made in the PR (if applicable).
Summarize the discussion thread (and maybe discussion from a related Issue thread).
Recommend changes to the PR, moving to Ready for approval, or other action needed.

We will be following our usual agenda, except that I would like to give some time to the In progress column before moving to Drafted.
Any announcements or time sensitive issues?
Review For discussion items, if any.
Review any In-progress items for which you would like feedback (15 min).
Round-robin review of Drafted items (30 min) per above.  Either:
Move back to In progress, with more work to do.
Move to Ready for approval, if there is general agreement the issue is sufficiently resolved.
Leave in Drafted, if discussion was not concluded satisfactorily.
Review To do column.
Time permitting, items of interest to participants, including open discussions.

Meeting information <> (login required).

Thank you,

Received on Thursday, 16 January 2025 17:38:15 UTC