RE: Stock agenda for today

Minutes<> are available on the wiki.  We had a lively discussion about reflow, class 3 editorial errata, and read-only versus disabled controls.

We are meeting next week (12/20), but attendance is expected to be light.
No meeting 12/27.
We are meeting 1/3/2025.

On our next well-attended call, we will be discussing the draft for Understanding Reflow<>.  Please consider this as a reading assignment!  Scott has put a great deal of work into the PR, including integration of feedback to date.

Also on deck is continued conversation as to what counts as "an inactive user interface component" (in the context of  SC 1.4.3 Contrast<>).  Alastair has offered to give a bit of background on the exception next time, what he heard from 2.0, and when it resurfaced in 2.1.

From: Michael Gower <>
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2024 10:42 AM
To: WCAG2 Backlog <>
Subject: Stock agenda for today

I'll check with folks at the start of the call if there's anything else to ad

  1.  New 2.2 published
  2.  Review 'For discussion' items
  3.  Review 'Drafted' items (30 min), either:
     *   move back to In progress, with more work to do
     *   move to Ready for approval, if there is general agreement the issue is sufficiently resolved
     *   leave in Drafted, if discussion was not concluded satisfactorily
  4.  Review issues closed<> and project items closed<>.
  5.  Review 'To do'.
  6.  Time permitting, items of interest to participants, including open discussions.
Meeting information<>

Received on Friday, 13 December 2024 22:37:14 UTC