minimize-error issues summary and proposals for LC-978, LC-1197, LC-1252

Please review my proposal for LC-978 [1], LC-1197 [2], and LC-1252 [3]

We have 18 open issues left in for minimize-error.

Most of the issues are labeled as cognitive, AT push, or level-change which
I think means they should be in the [HOLD] category even though only 4 were
when I looked. I found one of mine (LC-1057) which should be on hold per
the comments so I changed it.

LC-1171 [4] offers a simple suggestion for a new L3 SC but I think it is
too broad even for Level 3. Should we reject this one?

LC-1294 is the same issue as 1057 - the GL is about helping users avoid
mistakes but we don't have any L1 or L2 SC that actually do that..



Received on Monday, 13 November 2006 21:31:29 UTC