
Another comment from Bruce Bailey. He thinks that G14: Ensuring that color
encoded information is also available in text is too restrictive to be part
of 1.3.2.

He proposes associating G14 with 1.3.4 instead of 1.3.2 and adding a
technique for 1.3.2 where red H3 headings are underlined and green H3
headings are italicized.

The question is: do we think that underlining or italicizing something
meets the 1.3.2 success criteria that the "information conveyed by the
color" is "visually" evident without color?

I suppose he does have a point. If you underline something or italicize it,
that is a variation in the presentation of the text which is required by
1.3.4 only to be "programmatically determined". So you would already meet
1.3.4, a Level 2 requirement. Color coding the text that is underlined or
italicized is just an additional enhancement. So if you have something that
meets 1.3.4, a level 2 requirement, and you add color to make it easier for
sighted people who can see color, then you wouldn't meet 1.3.2, a level 1
requirement, unless you added additional text. So someone could potentially
be discouraged from making usability enhancements by adding color because
they would then have to change their visual design.


Received on Monday, 22 May 2006 18:59:21 UTC