Techniques to review week of February 13 2006

Here's another batch of techniques for Team C to review. I've included
Christophe, David, and Gez in this, who have been volunteered to help us
out on behalf of Team A. If you can all review your two techniques by
the time of next Monday's call it will help us to stay on track. Note
the way the techniques are assigned is pseudo-random and I apologize if
your techniques fall outside your area of best expertise - but please do
your best nonetheless!

Suggestions for how to review the techniques are the same as in the last
round - see
One thing that was particularly helpful when we discussed the techniques
in this week's call was the way Sofia and Andi put suggestions directly
in the wiki, and responded to each others' suggestions there. It was
much easier to keep everything in context and make decisions on the
call, so I'd like to encourage everyone to follow that model if you can.


* Controlling blink with script and stopping it after three seconds
* Failure due to including blinking content that can't be turned off


* Failure due to a script that causes a blink effect without a mechanism
to pause the content that blinks for more than three seconds
* Failure due to an object, such as Java or Flash, that has blinking
content without a mechanism to pause the content that blinks for more
than three seconds <>


* Allowing the content to be paused and restarted from where it was
stopped <>
* Failure due to including scrolling content where there is not a
mechanism to pause the content <>


* Designing an activity so that timing is not an essential part of the
activity <>
* Providing a mechanism to postpone any updating of content


* Allowing users to request updates instead of automatically updating
content <>
* If users submit data when the user is no longer authenticated, the
data is saved and the data is reused after the user re-authenticates


* Having no mechanism to save the data a user has entered when a session
times out, thus forcing the user to re-enter all the data after
re-authenticating <>
* Providing a text message that identifies the field as mandatory


* Providing a text message when the user provides any information that
falls outside the required data format or values
* Providing client-side validation and alert <>


* Providing client-side validation and adding error text via the DOM
* Providing a text message that identifies the field as mandatory

Received on Tuesday, 14 February 2006 18:54:27 UTC