1.1 Issues

Hi all,

I just took a look through our open and pending issues for guideline 1.1 
and it looks like they should be fairly easy to close. I've included a 
quick summary of the open issues [1] below.

Issue 952
Relates to L3 SC3, though the term "explicitly associated" is no longer 
part of the requirement, though ease of access to the script is still 
important. I think the sufficient techniques outlined at 
should be enough to close this. Suggest that we check with the reviewer 
once this draft is a bit closer to final form.

Issue 1428
Expresses confusion over the "How to..." links in current draft. The 
current direction the editors are headed on this is to include links 
that say "Guide to" instead, but I think this should remain open until 
we've done a bit more work on how all the documents will fit together.

Issue 1488
Proposes revising L3 SC1 to read:
<proposed>For multimedia content, a combined transcript of audio
descriptions of video and captions is available.</proposed>
There is also a proposal from Joe to delete this SC.
Suggest that we discuss the proposed wording and survey the WG on this.

Issue 1561
Proposes adding the type of chart to an example. Suggest that we accept 
this proposal and close this issue.

Issue 1562
Raises concerns about example 8. Suggest that we accept suggestions and, 
to address the conflict with 2.2, revise to say that the table us 
updated upon request.

Issue 1698
Suggests adding an example where audio and video are combined. However, 
this SC is about audio-only and video-only content and examples that 
combine audio and video would be covered under guideline 1.2. Suggest 
that we close this issue.

Issue 1703
Suggests moving criterion about AT ignoring alternatives to level 2. 
Suggest that we close this issue with the following rationale:
The WG believes that the ability for AT to ignore non-text content is an 
important part of knowing whether the information they're receiving is 
complete. Experiencing non-text content without a label (ex. by 
filename) begs the question, "what have I missed?" while identifying 
non-text content that should be ignored provides peace of mind that the 
non-text content was not labeled for good reason.

Issue 666
Raises some good points regarding the immediacy of a link to a 
transcript and metadata. Suggest that these be covered in guide doc and 
that we check back with reviewer.

Issue 895
This is a fairly complex issue that has not yet been discussed by the 
WG. The last comment suggests how 4 changes to the last public draft 
might address this. Suggest that we take this to the WG in survey form 
this week for discussion.

Issue 937
Includes some proposals regarding examples for the L3 SC1 criterion. 
Suggest we accept these proposals and close this issue.

Issue 1104
This issue requires clarification from the reviewer.

Issue 1138
Also needs clarification from the reviewer. Guide doc drafts may help 
emphasize/clarify as well.


[1] http://tinyurl.com/5hlre

Ben Caldwell | <caldwell@trace.wisc.edu>
Trace Research and Development Center <http://trace.wisc.edu>

Received on Tuesday, 4 October 2005 17:24:27 UTC