[wbs] response to 'Approval for publication of WCAG-EM 1.0 as a W3C Working Group Note'

The following answers have been successfully submitted to 'Approval for
publication of WCAG-EM 1.0 as a W3C Working Group Note' (public) for Detlev

> ---------------------------------
> Abstract
> ----

 * (x) accept this section
 * ( ) accept this section with the following suggestions
 * ( ) I do not accept this section for the following reasons
 * ( ) I abstain (not vote)

> ---------------------------------
> Introduction
> ----

 * (x) accept this section
 * ( ) accept this section with the following suggestions
 * ( ) I do not accept this section for the following reasons
 * ( ) I abstain (not vote)

> ---------------------------------
> Using This Methodology
> ----

 * (x) accept this section
 * ( ) accept this section with the following suggestions
 * ( ) I do not accept this section for the following reasons
 * ( ) I abstain (not vote)

> ---------------------------------
> Scope of Applicability
> ----

 * (x) accept this section
 * ( ) accept this section with the following suggestions
 * ( ) I do not accept this section for the following reasons
 * ( ) I abstain (not vote)

> ---------------------------------
> Step 1: Define the Evaluation Scope
> ----

 * ( ) accept this section
 * ( ) accept this section with the following suggestions
 * ( ) I do not accept this section for the following reasons
 * ( ) I abstain (not vote)

> ---------------------------------
> Step 2: Explore the Target Website
> ----

 * (x) accept this section
 * ( ) accept this section with the following suggestions
 * ( ) I do not accept this section for the following reasons
 * ( ) I abstain (not vote)

> ---------------------------------
> Step 3: Select a Representative Sample
> ----

 * ( ) accept this section
 * (x) accept this section with the following suggestions
 * ( ) I do not accept this section for the following reasons
 * ( ) I abstain (not vote)
Location: Step 3.b: Include a Randomly Selected Sample

Priority: strong

Current wording: "The number of web pages and web page states to randomly
select is 10% of the structured sample selected through the previous steps,
with a minimum of 5 instances of web pages and web page states."

Suggested revisions:

A. Amend - possibly in a note - the requirement of a minimum of 5 randomly
selected instances of web pages and web page states to account for simple
sites that will only require a very small sample.

B. Clarify what selecting a random sample of states means when creating a
sample for web apps.

A. For some sites, the page sample can be very small: Think of a blog which
uses just one template and contains only text.  Such a blog may just have
the default start page view and a bog entry page. A minimum of 5 randomly
selected pages / states does not make sense in such a case. Another edge
case are 'one-pagers' which provide a minimal presentation for a company or
product. There is sometimes literally just one page to test.

B. For web apps, it is not clear how the evaluator should select states
randomly. I can think of no procedure as there is usually not a list of
URLs, search hits or similar to work from.

> ---------------------------------
> Step 4: Audit the Selected Sample
> ----

 * (x) accept this section
 * ( ) accept this section with the following suggestions
 * ( ) I do not accept this section for the following reasons
 * ( ) I abstain (not vote)

> ---------------------------------
> Step 5: Report the Evaluation Findings
> ----

 * (x) accept this section
 * ( ) accept this section with the following suggestions
 * ( ) I do not accept this section for the following reasons
 * ( ) I abstain (not vote)

> ---------------------------------
> Remaing Comments
> ----
> Provide any remaining comments that you may have.

> These answers were last modified on 30 June 2014 at 17:46:12 U.T.C.
> by Detlev Fischer
Answers to this questionnaire can be set and changed at
https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/1/WCAG-EM-20140623/ until 2014-06-30.


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Received on Monday, 30 June 2014 17:48:02 UTC