[wbs] response to 'Approval for draft publication of WCAG-EM'

The following answers have been successfully submitted to 'Approval for
draft publication of WCAG-EM' (public) for Yod Samuel Martin.


 * ( ) accept this section as draft
 * (x) accept this section as draft with the following suggestions
 * ( ) I do not accept this section as draft
 * ( ) I abstain (not vote)
 Detailed comments have been posted to the WCAG-EM comments mailing list. 
They are archived at

Specifically, comment #1
applies to the Abstract with strong priority (to be addressed before
publication). That comment is aligned to comments already provided by other


 * (x) accept this section as draft
 * ( ) accept this section as draft with the following suggestions
 * ( ) I do not accept this section as draft
 * ( ) I abstain (not vote)
 Detailed comments to the Introduction are available at
, they are all minor comments that can be addressed after the publication
of the Working Draft.

Using This Methodology

 * ( ) accept this section as draft
 * (x) accept this section as draft with the following suggestions
 * ( ) I do not accept this section as draft
 * ( ) I abstain (not vote)
 Comment #7 archived online applies to this section with moderate priority
(regarding the use of "aging-related impairments") 

Scope of Applicability

 * ( ) accept this section as draft
 * (x) accept this section as draft with the following suggestions
 * ( ) I do not accept this section as draft
 * ( ) I abstain (not vote)
 Detailed comments applicable to this section are archived here
although some of them are prioritary, they are deemed to be addressed after
the publication of the Working Draft, **except for these**, which should be
addressed before publication, with strong priority.

- Comment #14 (on black-box testing) 

- Comment #15 (on conflicting use of third-party contents)

Step 1: Define the Evaluation Scope

 * ( ) accept this section as draft
 * (x) accept this section as draft with the following suggestions
 * ( ) I do not accept this section as draft
 * ( ) I abstain (not vote)
 Detailed comments applicable to this section are archived here 
some of them are prioritary, they are deemed to be addressed after the
publication of the Working Draft, **except for this**, which should be
addressed before the publication of the Working Draft:

- Comment #20
: the comment is indeed asking for public feedback on Step 1.c, so it can
only be either honoured or dismissed before the draft is published.

Step 2: Explore the Target Website

 * ( ) accept this section as draft
 * (x) accept this section as draft with the following suggestions
 * ( ) I do not accept this section as draft
 * ( ) I abstain (not vote)
 Detailed comments to Step 2 are available at
, even though some comments are moderately prioritary, they can all be
addressed after the publication of the Working Draft.

Step 3: Select a Representative Sample

 * ( ) accept this section as draft
 * (x) accept this section as draft with the following suggestions
 * ( ) I do not accept this section as draft
 * ( ) I abstain (not vote)
 Detailed comments to Step 3 are available at
, even though some comments are moderately prioritary, they can all be
addressed after the publication of the Working Draft.

Step 4: Audit the Selected Sample

 * (x) accept this section as draft
 * ( ) accept this section as draft with the following suggestions
 * ( ) I do not accept this section as draft
 * ( ) I abstain (not vote)

Step 5: Record the Evaluation Findings

 * ( ) accept this section as draft
 * ( ) accept this section as draft with the following suggestions
 * (x) I do not accept this section as draft
 * ( ) I abstain (not vote)
 Detailed comments to Step 3 are available at
Some of the comments can be addressed after the publication of the Working
Draft. However, **these are deemed to be dealt with before** with strong

- Comment #37 (on requiring a mention to the scoring procedure if a score
is provided)

- Comment #39 (unclear wording for the procedure to compute per web page

- Comment #41 (on conflicting usage of the terms referring to applicability
of Success Criteria

- Comment #42 (on discouraging the use of scores for comparisons among
websites this is an editorial change, anyway)

- Comment #43 (on keeping the request for public feedback regarding

- Comment #44 also has strong priority, but due to its complexity, I
understand it cannot be addressed before publication as a Working Draft,
and it is subsumed under the general discussion regarding scoring.

These answers were last modified on 15 December 2013 at 21:56:50 U.T.C.
by Yod Samuel Martin

Answers to this questionnaire can be set and changed at
https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/1/WCAG-EM-20131129/ until 2013-12-17.


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Received on Sunday, 15 December 2013 21:57:02 UTC