Addition to Select a representative sample


Under "3. Select a representative sample" I think there should be an option
for testing all pages. There are some automated testing tools available now
that will test an entire web site. In addition to this, there are some
companies (including our own) that complete manual and automated testing on
*all* pages, and this should be represented in the evaluation methodology.

It is true that template issues will be found by selecting a representative
sample, however content issues - such as use of headings, coded field
labels etc, can only be found if all pages are tested. Although this might
be outside of the capability of most testers, it is something that should
be covered in this evaluation methodology.

I am happy to be involved in writing this additional information.


*Gian Wild, Director

Phone. (03) 9018 2281 ~ Fax. (03) 9018 2211
Mobile. 042 442 6262
Address: Level 2, 145 Flinders Lane ~ Melbourne VIC 3000

Received on Friday, 27 April 2012 23:08:45 UTC