- From: Jonathan Avila <jon.avila@ssbbartgroup.com>
- Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2012 14:24:19 -0400
- To: public-wcag-em-comments@w3.org
- Message-ID: <65bb238219b446927e089cf7efc3b187@mail.gmail.com>
SSB BART Group ("SSB") would like to thank the W3C and the Evaluation Methodology Task Force for the opportunity to comment on the Website Accessibility Conformance Evaluation Methodology ("EM") version 1.0 working draft dated March 27th, 2012. We firmly believe that a formal methodology is important to the community of accessibility conformance evaluators and is an important step in professionalizing our field. SSB uses a similar methodology for our customers and understands the need for different detail level of audits with required and optional criteria. The scope of the methodology is indicated to apply to full websites. While we applaud this effort and agree that sites should not be cherry-picked for accessible pages or features -- it may not always be practical for entire websites. Thus, the idea of applying the scope to departments or smaller portions of a site will likely be important. For example, a particular purpose of the site such as the online forum or reservation section of the site and whole pages within may be targets of the evaluation. Similarly allowing websites to report on conformance while still have non-accessible third party content such as social media links/log-ins/ads is a good idea. While in principle third party content should also conform sites should be credited with their efforts to be conformant of what they have control over. Regarding involving review teams and users, and evaluation tools, we believe that functional testing in addition to normative testing of content is very important. While normative or unit testing is good at identifying specific issues with a widget or missing requirement, the impact of placing widgets together on a page with a required task such as completing a form, finding content, or even logging in may raise accessiblity issues that were not detected in normative testing. At SSB we create use cases based on core tasks within the site/application in addition to capturing a representative set of pages ("modules"). These use cases are scripted during the groundwork phase ("Sampling phase of this EM") and later evaluated with three main categories of assistive technology during the evaluation phase (screen reading, screen magnification, and speech recognition). The goal of "Basic conformance" as stated in the EM appears to be offer an option to essentially self certify without having to perform real evaluation of the site. This level of conformance is likely to be incorrectly applied and would likely mean that the site would in fact not be conformant. In cases where some national legislation references WCAG this could allow someone to argue conformance without defensible claims. Making an assumption on conformance, while often well intentioned, is not safe for sites that have not previously been evaluated. The working group should consider allowing this level of conformance only for conformance claims that are made after updates are made to an already conforming site. Under the section "identify the variety of page types" it is worthwhile to strength or include different states of pages such as error states for forms, dynamically added content, simulated dialogs or pop-ups, or page renderings based on different user settings and permissions including whether an accessibility enhancement settings are enabled. In "Step 3: Select a Representative Sample", it may be useful to choose portions of pages that are reused such as header sections, navigation structures, etc. While these portions are not full web pages and full web page conformance must general be met, capturing sections of the page can be useful in targeting violations, limiting repetitive evaluation of the same structure on each page, etc. An XPath or other identifier could be used to identify these sections within a given page. For all the pages in which this section or widget appears violations could then be applied as pattern violations thus saving time during the evaluation process. Step 4d calls for the archival of the pages and capturing of screenshots. This step is very important and is something that SSB does during the sample collection of the site. In addition, it may be important to record the steps (path) used to reach a page including any data entered, user rights, etc. Regarding providing conformance scores Step 5c, the current wording indicates that a score of non-conformant is likely to occur and that score is important. This is indeed the case as many sites support WCAG but are not fully conformant to a given level. WCAG requires conformance on a per level basis with only a few exceptions. In reality the accessibility of the site may be experience differently to different user groups. For example, a site may be accessible to users with hearing impairments via captions, visual equivalents for sound, etc. but may not be accessible or fully conformant to WCAG success criteria related to access by persons who are blind. Knowing the relative score may assist users in making decisions to use a particular site based on their needs. While a goal of full conformance to all criteria is key -- conformance may be an evolving process within an organization and may change with updates to a site. Thus, a performance metric and a unified process for its calculation is important to this field. Best Regards, Jonathan -- Jonathan Avila Chief Accessibility Officer SSB BART Group jon.avila@ssbbartgroup.com 703.637.8957 (o) Follow us: Facebook <http://www.facebook.com/#!/ssbbartgroup> | Twitter<http://twitter.com/#!/SSBBARTGroup> | LinkedIn <http://www.linkedin.com/company/355266?trk=tyah> | Blog<http://www.ssbbartgroup.com/blog> | Newsletter <http://eepurl.com/O5DP>
Received on Friday, 27 April 2012 18:26:14 UTC