48-Hour Call for Consensus (CfC): ACT TF rules ready to send to AG WG for review & publishing

Hi all,

This is a 48 hour Call for Consensus (CfC) for sending a set of ACT rules
to the AG working group to review and approve for publishing.

We have five rules ready to send to the AG WG for review and approval to
publish. There were a few comments in the surveys that will be addressed at
a later point, which were noted in the meeting minutes as non-critical for

This is the list of rules we would like to publish. I have added the links
to surveys and meeting discussions, as needed, for background.
   Image button has accessible name:
   survey results:
   The survey indicated with no disagreements that with the pull requests,
   which have since been merged, this rule is ready to publish.
   HTML has LANG attribute: https://act-rules.github.io/rules/b5c3f8
   survey results: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/HTMLLang2/results
   Survey indicated the rule is ready to publish as-is.
   HTML page lang is valid: https://act-rules.github.io/rules/bf051a/
   survey results:
   Pull request to fix the survey comments for Failed example 2 is now
   merged, so rule is ready to publish.
   HTML Lang and XML Lang match: https://act-rules.github.io/rules/5b7ae0/
   survey results:
   NOTE: The results showed 2 "No" answers, but Jonathan Avila didn't give
   a reason and I was swayed to allow publication and issue 1172 will be
   handled at a later point as it isn't crucial.
   meeting discussion:
   ID Attribute value is unique: https://act-rules.github.io/rules/3ea0c8/
   survey results: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/IDisUnique2/results
   meeting discussion:

This CfC is now open for objection, comment, as well as statements of
support via email. Silence will be interpreted as support, though messages
of support are certainly welcome.

If you object to this proposed action, or have comments concerning this
proposal, please respond by replying on list to this message no later than
18:00 Boston Time, Monday 24 February.

Best regards,

Mary Jo
Mary Jo Mueller
Accessibility Standards Program Manager
IBM Accessibility Research, Austin, TX
Phone: 512-286-9698 | Tie-line: 363-9698

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and
become more, you are a leader."  ~John Quincy Adams

Received on Thursday, 20 February 2020 22:29:07 UTC