[EOWG Videos] - Next Meeting and Homework

Hello EOWG Video Sub-group,

We will meet next Tuesday, 21 June at our normal time.

Shadi has already incorporated the feedback received in GitHub and during this week’s meeting. Thank you all for giving thoughtful feedback and recommendations. You will notice that he is dividing the sequences more by the visual so that the Audio segments are not read individually and taken out of context. It flows better when reviewing.

1) Priority for this week is to take a last pass at the latest substantial updates to the Martine script<https://wai-people-use-web-videos.netlify.app/people-use-web/videos/stories/martine/>. (Note: There is a slight table format issue in sequence 1, but you can still piece it together. Shadi will fix table.)

2) If you have the bandwidth, edits to the Auditory script<https://wai-people-use-web-videos.netlify.app/people-use-web/videos/abilities/auditory/> are fairly minor but take another look at it for extra cookie/brownie points. 😊

Ideally, please comment by the end of the day Monday so that Shadi can better prepare for our meeting.

Thank you all. We are getting so close to having these draft ready for the larger group.
Brent (and Shadi)

Brent A. Bakken  |  Director, Accessibility Strategy & Education  |  (512) 202-1087  |  brent.bakken@pearson.com<mailto:brent.bakken@pearson.com>  |  Pearson

Received on Wednesday, 15 June 2022 17:16:26 UTC