Re: [wbs] response to 'Videos - How People With Disabilities Use Web - Initial Scripts Starfish Review'

Hey Shadi,

Just a quick follow up - all my comments were for editors’ discretion so if you need to move on then I’m sure your consideration of what I said will be fine :)

Andrew Arch
From: Andrew Arch <>
Sent: Monday, August 1, 2022 9:23:16 PM
To: Abou-Zahra, Shadi <>
Cc: <>
Subject: Re: [wbs] response to 'Videos - How People With Disabilities Use Web - Initial Scripts Starfish Review'

Hi Shadi,

My apologies for not replying last week - thought I could do so while away on leave this week but find I can't access GitHub at present so unfortunately my response will have to wait until I'm home again next week

Andrew Arch
From: Abou-Zahra, Shadi <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2022 18:26
To: Andrew Arch <>
Cc: <>
Subject: RE: [wbs] response to 'Videos - How People With Disabilities Use Web - Initial Scripts Starfish Review'

Dear Andrew,

Many thanks for your valuable review and responses!

The videos subgroup discussed your comments:

#82: involves some editorial work -- do you agree how this was addressed?
#83, #84, and #86 are partially addressed -- do you agree with the changes?

Please feel free to add further thoughts to these issues, especially if you disagree with how they are being addressed.

Many thanks,

Shadi Abou-Zahra
Amazon, Devices Accessibility
Principal Standards and Policy Manager

-----Original Message-----
From: <> On Behalf Of Andrew Arch via WBS Mailer
Sent: Thursday, 21 July, 2022 2:24 AM
To: Abou-Zahra, Shadi <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [wbs] response to 'Videos - How People With Disabilities Use Web - Initial Scripts Starfish Review'

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender and know the content is safe.

The following answers have been successfully submitted to 'Videos - How People With Disabilities Use Web - Initial Scripts Starfish Review'
(Accessibility Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG)) for Andrew Arch.

> ---------------------------------
> Introduction
> ----
> Please Note: Due to project timeline, this review will not be extended
> past Sunday, July 24th.
> This is a Starfish Review survey for initial video scripts for the How
> People With Disabilities Use the Web Video Project.
> What you're reviewing are draft scripts for three different videos
> that will support the WAI resource How People With Disabilities Use
> the Web, which is currently under revision. Estimated review time is
> between 40 and 60 minutes.
> Background: Each video script is based in part on the three pages of
> the existing resource. The videos are meant to be an alternative
> format representing key information from user stories or topics from
> the following pages:
>    * Stories of Web Users
>    * Diverse Abilities and Barriers
>    * Tools and Techniques
> When finalized, these three video scripts will become the "templates"
> (format, structure and style) used to make the rest of the videos that
> support the entire resource. See the Video Scripts overview page for
> the full list of videos that will be produced.
> For this review please consider:
>    * Is the "Martine" User Story represented well - is anything missing?
>    * Are the "Auditory" Abilities and Barriers represented well - is
> anything missing?
>    * Are the "Presentation Distinguishing and Understanding" Tools and
> Techniques represented well - is anything missing?
>    * Is there anything that should not be included?
>    * Try to catch all significant issues in this review. (if you bring
> up big issues later, they could be disruptive)
>    * Please provide high-level word-smithing suggestions if you have
> the time via GitHub Issue.

> ---------------------------------
> Review level
> ----

 * [x] I reviewed it thoroughly.
 * [ ] I skimmed it.
 * [ ] I pass on this review and will not raise big issues later.


Good work :)

> ---------------------------------
> "Martine" Video Script - Stories of Web Users
> ----
> Do you have any feedback on the current draft of the "Martine" user
> story script? This can include feedback and proposed changes to the
> audio, visuals, timing, style, and perspective of the script that will
> be used for video production.
> Please conduct the review in the following order:
>      * Read over the latest version of the Martine user story page. Note:
> This is not for review; for background only.
>      * Review the Martine video script.
>      * Add comments or recommended edits directly in a new Martine
> GitHub Issue (or review and add to existing GitHub issues).
> If not comfortable raising GitHub issues, you may provide your
> comments in the box below (not preferred).

Scene 2 - should "meeting apps" be "video conferencing apps"? This emphasises that it is video, not just audio.

Scene 5 - is it correct that Martine would translate text into sign?
Colleagues and friends I know who speak 2 or more languages (incl EN as a second lang) say they usually read and think in those languages and don't translate between them. I suppose it depends on your fluency.

> ---------------------------------
> "Auditory" Video Script - Diverse Abilities and Barriers
> ----
> Do you have any feedback on the current draft of the "Auditory"
> diverse abilities and barriers script? This can include feedback and
> proposed changes to the audio, visuals, timing, style, and perspective
> of the script that will be used for video production.
> Please conduct the review in the following order:
>      * Read over the latest version of the Auditory - Diverse
> Abilities and Barriers page. Note: This is not for review; for background only.
>      * Review the Auditory video script.
>      * Add comments or recommended edits directly in a new Auditory
> GitHub Issue (or review and add to existing GitHub issues).
> If not comfortable raising GitHub issues, you may provide your
> comments in the box below (not preferred).

Scene 2 - "other hearing aids often don’t fully compensate for auditory disabilities". The newer hearing aids are amazing and can differentiate speech from the background hub-bub in cafes and bars according to friends who have the newer (more expensive) ones. Seems they can operate a bit like noise-reduction headphones. It is still true for Cochlear implants, though new algorithms are being developed (i.e.

Scene 5 - Teams auto captions do identify the speaker these days

> ---------------------------------
> "Presentation distinguishing and understanding" Video Script - Tools
> and Techniques
> ----
> Do you have any feedback on the current draft of the "Presentation
> distinguishing and understanding" tools and techniques script? This
> can include feedback and proposed changes to the audio, visuals,
> timing, style, and perspective of the script that will be used for
> video production.
> Please conduct the review in the following order:
>      * Read over the latest version of the Presentation distinguishing
> and understanding - Tools and Techniques page. Note: This is not for
> review; for background only.
>      * Review the Presentation video script.
>      * Add comments or recommended edits directly in a new
> Presentation GitHub Issue (or review and add to existing GitHub issues).
> If not comfortable raising GitHub issues, you may provide your
> comments in the box below (not preferred).

Scene 4 - you could even show a hearing aid app with the sound adjustments like most allow.

> ---------------------------------
> Final Comments
> ----
> Thank you for taking the time to provide your review of these video
> scripts.
> Please provide any final thoughts or comments you may have about these
> initial scripts in the comment field below.

Excellent work so far. As someone who prefers text to video, I'm still keen to see these be completed :)

> These answers were last modified on 21 July 2022 at 00:21:31 U.T.C.
> by Andrew Arch
Answers to this questionnaire can be set and changed at until 2022-07-24.


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